Lady Sailor

(Rachel Roy 2011 Fall RTW Look picture from : Style)

Have you seen the Rachel Roy 2011 Fall RTW show on the NYFW? And do you like the Fabric-woven Heidi braids, I like it, it remind me when I was young, in high school or something, I liked to play my hair, I had very fuzzy and thick and long hair in that time, so I tried a lot of ways to make my hair not to look crazy, and one way I like to do before is what I do today ^-^ Make two braids beside each ears, and put them around my head. It’s pretty similar with the Rachel Roy hair look I think. 😉

And do you know H&M start has 50% off sale for outwear? And that’s my new sailor jacket come, there is always has a reason, isn’t it? 😀

There are so many ways in my mind to wear this jacket, but today I like to add a coral skirt and a white tights  for a lady Sailor look, do you like it?


H&M skirt

Celine Heels

Thrifted Bag

H&M bracelet

28 thoughts on “Lady Sailor

  1. 我们这边H&M一直都不打折,倒是ZARA这几天都在打折,我买了件小西服,自己非常喜欢

  2. 好鲜嫩的水手小姐啊!喜欢!

  3. 色彩的多样化很适合姐姐你呢!再加上美丽的风景,阳光普照,形成了一幅精美的画卷!你们那的天气,还有植物什么的,看着真让人心情舒畅。

  4. 嘻嘻, 当时我老公和RB在呼呼睡午觉, 我只好自己在院子里自拍臭美,,,LG起来后问我怎么不叫他让他帮忙, 我说, 我当时叫了几遍你都不醒, 还好意思说…..^^

  5. 咦? 大家以前没试过的吗? 我妈妈当时特别钟情这部电影, 所以她教我我一回这种做法, 我就常常扎来玩. 看看要是回头去看看那电影, 就发现里面的发型都这样. 😀

  6. ZARA在我们这里已经打折了快一个月了吧,,,倒是能收到些好东西的呢, 有时候我看到自己以前买的东西都在打折, 心就在那里恨啊恨啊,,,, 亲爱的你的小西装是怎么样的? ZARA的西装还是很不错的呢.

  7. 好特别的造型,是很淑女的那种发型。喜欢呢。以前长头发时还没试过这种辫子呢。以后有机会试试。原来是Hallie的院子里,春天花开,好漂亮的花,真想移植在我家院子里,不过好象这边没这花。

  8. 话说HALLIE的发际线那里有个美人尖哦。今天这身装扮着实让我FRESH眼睛了。喜欢白色袜

  9. Aw you look so so beautiful! This sailor jacket is probably one of the most beautiful clothes I have ever seen! Maybe it’s because of the perfect way you styled it, though! So 50s! Romantic, but with a sexy hint! Love your socks, shoes and bag! This is FLAWLESS, really flawless! Wish I could pull something like this off…

    Btw, I tried to wear my hair in the same beautiful way YOU wear it!! hahahah! It was the most silly and hilarious thing I have ever seen! I was babysitting my little cousin and he got scared when he saw me! hahahah! You should have seen his face! You look stunning though! 🙂

  10. hmmmmmm,,,I am not sure about that now, it wasn’t become more favorite in Chictopia as my other outfits,,,hahah….am I too greedy?
    And yes, I would like to see your cousin’s face!!!! hahah….next time when you do the hair like that, make sure you bring a toy or candy…lol

  11. 嘻嘻,我发际线那有个尖是真的, 但是不敢称是美人尖,哈哈....这身装扮跟我以往的风格不太一样,我自己看总觉得不太习惯,哈哈...

  12. 不是我家的院子这么春天,是这里到处都这么春天,只是我选的这些花比较好养,四季都开花...

  13. 应该会有这种花的吧,象小雏菊,一大丛一大丛的,颜色有很多种,差不多四季都开.SUE那里有没有花鸟市场,可以转转去,以前我最喜欢去看花鸟市场了:)

  14. thanks tracy, i have been long time didn’t check on yoka, are you still posting blog there?

  15. 我不太清楚呢,因为都很少去逛这个的,不过三鸟市场我就知道有的,只是都卖家禽之类的。越看越喜欢,好想自己种上这种小花。太爱了。。

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