
Yesterday’s outfits, I didn’t post because I really don’t like it. We were rush out for breakfast to beat the 10 am church people, so I only wore what I think its warm(yesterday morning was really chilly). and my tony tail looked so out.

We went to 7/11 to buy newspaper before breakfast, and saw a big car accident happen just in front of us. One car was rush into the end of the yellow light.

we can afford to look ugly when we rush out the door in the morning, but can we afford the accident like that because of rushing in something?

17 thoughts on “Rush

  1. 场面真的很惨烈啊!是不是因此影响心情了?我也希望大家都要谨慎,尽量避免不幸的发生。

  2. 有些时候,学会等待是对自己负责任。否则,伤害了别人,更伤害了自己。觉得姐姐你的马尾造型很活泼,挺精神的。

  3. 真的很好,简单自然,更能突出生活中的你,很喜欢。还有上次跟HALLIE说我买了ZARA的小西服,是那种格子图案的,领口是深灰色的,现在上海这边有点冷,等几天暖和穿出来拍照给你看看,嘿嘿

  4. Oh God, car accidents are so terrible… 🙁 The only thing I hope for, is that people were not harmed. The material damage is nothing compared to our lives. This summer a friend of mine died in a car accident… :'( It’s an awful experience. Rushing is inexplicable and unjustifiable…. We should just relax and care about the sun and the trees and the water and the environment…

    Anyway, you really look gorgeous. I don’t get it… You said you didn’t post, because you didn’t like it? Maybe something’s wrong with my glasses or my myopia! I cannot explain it in a different way! This outfit is amazing! Saying that I’m in love with your leather pants, red shirt and amazing jacket is too small, so I’m telling you that I bow for you!! 🙂

  5. hahah….Thanks Demy, I didn’t like this outfits because the leather coat wasn’t belong me to , it was from Red Bear’s Grandma, she died several years ago, and something I hate on me was something too big, big shoulder, long sleeve, well…but it’s warm…lol..anyway, they say: don’t say it if it’s not nice, I say: don’t post it if it’s not good enough:D

  6. 呵呵,好, 等着看你的相片喽.话说我昨晚跟两小以前的闰蜜聊天,其中一个说下午要去拍艺术照,说是要熟女风格,哈哈,结果半天没个具体形象,我现在也急切的等看她的相片咧^^

  7. 你当时选图片的时候不是有G GX, R等的选项吗?你是不是选了非G以外的选项?你再试传一次看看,到时候就选G

  8. 嗯嗯,我现在十分赞同中国的一句交通口号"宁停三分,不抢一秒"...
    马尾造型不成功, 请大家说实话吧,,,唉...^^

  9. 这你个头像是以前在YOKA上用的吧,幸福的头像:)

  10. 当时我在打911,老公去查看情况, 那个女人在翻倒的车里还能说话,除了等救护车到,大家也不能再做多一步的事情了.唉....有点庆幸我们没有在那个路口,所以以后就算是绿灯了,过马路时都要左右看就是了..大家以后都要小心哦.

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