No, I Am Not Wang

If my today’s outfits remind you The Alexander Wang 2010 Spring football-inspired collection? the side braid, the knee high socks, the boxy sweatshirt? No, but I am not Wang. ^_^


H&M Sweatshirt

Urban Outfitters Shorts

Free People Socks

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Boots

H&M Bag

Alexander Wang 2010 Spring RTW picture from: style

18 thoughts on “No, I Am Not Wang

  1. 哈。。但你有这一系列的大辫子呢。Hallie的鞋子好高哦。我看到都晕了,要穿起来更不敢想哦。RB的两张相片好可爱。迷人的笑容。发现RB好多毛线衣的,简单舒服的。

  2. SO SO SO pretty!!! This outfit is very different from your usual ones and I think that…YOU ROCK!!!! This is a GREAT outfit, I adore the shorts, these awesome shoes and your beautiful high socks!!! You’re perfect!! Awww and the sidebraid is so freaking incredible on you! I love love lvoe it! You should wear your hair like that more often! 😀

    And Red Bear looks so chic too! His pants are gorgeous! In Greece when we wanna say that a child resembles his parents, we say that ‘the apple falls under the apple tree’! So YOUR style is awesome, then Red Bear’s style is gonna be awesome too! 😀 hihi! 😀

    Kisses to both of you! 😀

  3. Hallie Hallie!!
    恭喜Hallie當選3月的Style Icon!實至名歸x10000

    我好激動啊發現自己居然也是三月的Style Icon, 我連事情是怎麼發生的都不知道!!!明明排得很靠後 😮
    不過我好高興!(我們中國女孩很有一套嘛) haha

    謝謝妳的Fanning! 我們繼續加油。

  4. 啊? 这么短的热 裤,COCO也喜欢的吗? 我还真有点意外,嘻嘻.

  5. 其实这一套只是平时在家里玩玩搭配拍的, 说真要穿出去, 我还是有点怕怕, 呵呵…..估计下次穿这短裤的时候得保守些…

  6. 恭喜恭喜!!! 哈哈, 同乐同乐!!!! 为咱们中国女孩骄傲, 下个月我觉得SAM很有希望呢! 看到咱中国人当选就自豪来着……:D 咱们继续加油!!!!

  7. yes, we got your kisses,,,but please don’t be so wet,,,hahah…..
    Wish you have a very happy weekend, Demy, and I know you will, you are such a happy Angel!

  8. 其实这鞋子还真算是我所有高跟鞋里最高也是最好走的,那天我就穿着这逛街走了两个小时,一点问题都没有, 回来脚也没疼,要是别的高跟鞋都不敢想像....所以这双鞋在网上的评价非常高!

  9. 不是,是睡了一觉的侧编麻花辫最IN,哈哈,因为要造成那种凌乱感.

  10. 就是短了些呀,要正常穿出去可能里面会穿双黑丝袜吧...

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