The Moment

Yesterday, when we took these pictures, I was thinking to name this article as Happy Hour, but later the night, after hearing China earthquake strikes in southwest border area with Burma (Myanmar), and then the shocking news for the big earthquake in Japan, and the Tsunami waves swamped Hawaii beaches and brushed the U.S. western coast just keep going…my heart really feel heavy and sad….

Be cherishing every happy moment.


Vintage Blouse

Zara Shorts

H&M Hat

Frye Boots

Asos Bag

D&G watch

H&M Bracelet

14 thoughts on “The Moment

  1. 对,祈祷。珍惜身边的人,祝福远方的朋友与同胞。看到RB开心的样子,烦恼也会少一点。

  2. 多么阳光灿烂的日子,这里已经连续下雨一个多星期了,唉,心情都郁闷很多。

  3. What happened in Japan was really horrible… I can’t even imagine the pain and the shock of the people there.. It’s a tragedy and one of the most terrible natural disasters in world’s history. I hope that most people over there are afe and sound. Me and my family already donated and I wish people all over the world do the same thing..

    So little things in lofe matter the most in crucial times like this. These pics are gorgeous, really gorgeous! They make me crave for summer even more! 😀 And of course you look so pretty in this amazing outfit! I love every single piece, only YOU could combine all these items and still look stunning! I love the hues of this outfit as well, they really suit you greatly! 😀

    And of course Red Bear’s (or should I say Red Frog’s? hahah) top is awesome!! I looove Daffy Duck!! He is my favorite cartoon along with my beloved Donald Duck!! Too many ducks… 😛

    Now, I’m looking forward to see this outfit posted in Chictopia, so that a) I can fave this and b) it will get on Chictopia’s frontpage! 😛

  4. RB玩得好开心啊!

  5. 嗯, 我们这问题不大, 但是附近的海滩都封琐了, 倒是死了一些人, 都是去看热闹和拍照的, 汗….

  6. hmm…….normally , Chictopia wouldn’t put many picture in the people gallery at the weekend, don’t know why :(, But doesn’t matter, I took pictures to make me and friends here happy, and that’s enough 😀

  7. 是不是三四月雨水特别多? 等过了这段时间应该就该放晴了吧:)不管怎样, 心情都一定要好起来哦!

  8. 啊?真佩服美国人的冒险精神!都海啸了还有去凑热闹的,不过场面肯定很壮观!

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