Boat Show@Long Beach, Part-2

Some pictures about Red Bear in the Boat show in long beach, is this Red Bear’s 1st boat show in Long Beach? no? When he inside mommy’s tummy, he been there once. ^^

He is trying to put some papers in his pocket 🙂

His 1st time driving a nervous at all;)

A big fish box! has a lot of amazing fishes!

Red Bear likes cotton candy:)

Very well trained water dog!

Some people teaching how to do fishing

We are waiting for a shuttle bus to the port

Eating in the restaurant on the port, what a beautiful view:)

Red Bear’s Funny looking face:)

His spyglass

Of course he need Mommy all the time!

16 thoughts on “Boat Show@Long Beach, Part-2

  1. 哇!沙发耶!

  2. 他真的很活潑可愛討人歡喜呢!!! 看見就想咬一口啦~~哈哈哈哈

  3. SO so gorgeous pics!! Red Bear is the most handsome little boy I know! 😀 😀 My fave pics are the one with the cotton candy and the one with the spyglass! haha!:D Well, from the pics it’s obvious that he is kinda naughty, right? haha! He is always moving, lol! 😀 😀

  4. 这孩子真是既聪明又可爱,姐姐你真是好福气呢!他闭着眼睛,双手抱头那张,好有范儿啊! so cute !

  5. He is naughty, full of energy, and very active!!! yesterday we parked the car on the top level of the parking lot, was thinking to take some pics there, but turned out we had to hold him tight, and afraid to let him be free on the 9floor, too dangerous!!!

  6. 哈哈, 是的呢, 他成天被我咬的. 趴在地上那张是我直接把相机放地上拍的, 角度还行:)

  7. 对啊, 说是游艇展, 其实什么乱七八糟的都有, 呵呵..我其实对展不感兴趣, 只是对附近的玩的吃的感兴趣:)

  8. Hallie有没有觉得RB越来越懂事呢?我就有觉得家YY懂事了.看着他每天在长大,很幸福很满足啦.RB真得太可爱啦..他那双手环抱那张YY也会这样做的.小孩子应该都有差不多的一套成长语言和动作?可能让他们自己交流会更有意思?哈…

  9. 那肯定是,如果哪天他们能玩在一起,一定会很开心的.^^希望会有那么一天喽:)

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