
Spring is here, in every corner, I like the weather like this, so gorgeous.

We came to Third Street Promenade, they have so many nice retail stores, entertainment and dining places. I like to look at different visitors there, listen the different languages , and enjoy the street musics, all I complaining is : I lost my flower pin which in these pictures!!!! She is my favorite flower pin. 🙁


Urban Outfitters fur vest

H&M Blouse

Forever21 Shorts

Jeffrey Campbell Shoes

Miu Miu Bag

H&M Flower Pin

Chanel Sunglasses

16 thoughts on “Spring-y

  1. Hallie, these pics are so so so awesome!!! Spring is already here!! 😀 This squirel is so so cute! 😀

    And your outfit is awesome! Yes, I’m gonna tell it again! It’s one of my faves and it goes in my ‘Hallie’ inspirational folder! 😀 😀 I love it love it love it and I could go on and on for ages! 😀 😀 I’m so very sorry that you lost this gorgeous flower pin 🙁 🙁 Why all pretty things tend to get lost or break down? This is not fair. I hope that you will find another one soon 🙂 You’re amazing, ROCK ON!

  2. yeah, spring is here, how about your there Demy? I saw your floral top, and very springy too! you look so pretty in that outfits:)

  3. Thank you very very much! 🙂 And yes here spring has come already and it’s very nice, but I can’t enjoy it, since I’m sick 🙁 Well, I get happy through YOUR pics, though, and that makes me very happy! 😀

  4. 好热闹的步行街啊!春天真的很舒服!只可惜我们这边的春天爱刮风。

  5. 看来Hallie要是想念那花只能在这组图片上了,别伤心啦,再买一个更漂亮的。看到中国表演者在那好有亲切感哦。春天,我也好喜欢,春天就要踏青的,要阳光的,要大自然的,前面几张风景跟动物的我也好喜欢,要COPY下来放在电脑上,哈。。别介意哦。就是要欣赏一下。

  6. 哦,还有那五彩缤纷的小花,实在太漂亮太喜欢啦。好想栽在我家哦。好象这边真的没看到呢?把它用作电脑桌面天天看着好了。。。

  7. 真的是好有春天的气息呀!我们去Vegas这几天也终于是感受了下春天的气息, 但是一回来就要面对现实啦!呵呵。

  8. 这种小花是季节性的呢,原来我也想自己种来着,可是就是因为季节性的,也就是说每年都得种新的,所以才算了....出门欣赏就够了:)

  9. 嘻嘻,拿去拿去,好好欣赏,也祝SUE的一家春日踏青开心!!!好好享受一家人幸福的感觉!

  10. Oh,,,you poor little baby, I wish you get better very soon!!! I really want to see your smiling face;)

  11. 我聽bf說他加拿大那邊的家人說現在還在下雪…

  12. 就是啊,现在我一想起那花都觉得可惜,去找了好多处,也买了其它的花,可是颜色就是没有那么漂亮的.唉....希望捡到她的人好好善待她吧

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