Wide Legs + High Waist

You know what I don’t like about high waist pants? You have to be very careful about how you stand and how you sit, and one important thing, don’t eat too much if you wear high waist pants!!!

This yellow clutch I just got yesterday from ASOS, indeed I get the pink one too, really like the color and the shape!

And Bob asked me where do I want to have pictures today, I said anything has yellow flowers, so here I am:)


H&M Top

H&M High waist wide legs jeans

Asos Clutch

D&G Watch(golden)

Fossil Watch(white)

28 thoughts on “Wide Legs + High Waist

  1. 哇, 都可以穿短袖了, 羡慕啊, 这两天倒春寒冷死了。 高腰+宽腿=巨长腿, 呵呵。。。

  2. 包包好美啊!就知道你不会只买一个颜色,这个造型看起来有175cm。

  3. 这裤型确实有拉伸的效果哦。话说姐姐,低腰的阔腿裤,还能起到拉长腿的效果吗?

  4. Hi!!! These pics are so so beautiful, you look very…I don’t know how to explain it… fresh? child-like? Whatever it is, I LOVE it! And these jeans are awesome, they have everything, high waist and bell bottoms! What else can you ask for? Well yes, comfort, but come on, fashion is cruel! 😛 😛 Great top too, blue is my favorite color and birds are my favorite animals because they are free and they can go everywhere, so I WANT this top!!! And the glasses look great on you! 😀 😀 Gorgeous and stunning once more! 😀 😀

  5. hey hey~~~我本來也訂了這個asos的黃色clutch的~~(好眼光啊!!呵呵呵~~~)不過我後來改了其他款,黃色的手提包包就在另一個網站訂了~~不然跟你撞啦!哈哈

  6. 嘻嘻,我当时是拿到了个20%OFF的CODE,再加上这个包又不贵,所以就一口气订了两口,哈哈...

  7. 其实我穿还是有点不太好看,毕竟是当妈的人了,小肚子还是有一些的,所有大多时候都在收腹,呵呵...

  8. haha,,,thanks Demy for this link! this is almost the same leggings, hers is not see through though:)
    I like that blog too !!!!Thank you for sharing! and thinking of me all the time…lol…

  9. everytime I read your comments, my face just like this:D
    Thank you Demy, to make me happy everyday!

  10. 我想只要是长裤腿的裤子,穿上高跟鞋,就有拉长腿的效果...你看什么喇叭裤啦效果也一样.

  11. 嗯嗯,原来我想用粉色的包来配 ,发现没有这个黄色的配得好看,就象你说的,比较清新.

  12. 其实我就是有小肚肚的了,当妈的都不一样的.特别是吃饱了以后,呵呵,不过就是在这边,大肚肚和特大肚肚的人特别多,我这种小肚肚的才好意思出来暴露下,哈哈.

  13. 又是一个黄撞蓝。我很喜欢今年撞色的搭配。HALLIE这身就让我心痒痒。

  14. Hallie好好的老公!!!给你拍照似乎已经是他的一件规律的日常事物,几乎就像今天出门你前要不要梳头一样,呵呵。

  15. 哈哈,这比喻好可爱,不过只要我们出门,我都会找机会让老公拍照,因为有宝宝到处跑的缘故,我们的拍照地点是选择挺有限的,一般就在去目的地的路上找个地,然后草草拍上三分钟,呵呵,所以我经常说我的相片是三分钟快照^^

  16. 哈哈,或者叫乱变....其实我发现我穿衣挺杂的,汗...

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