Green on St.Patrick’s Day

I have to be honest, before I searched for some information about St. Patrick’s Day in Chinese, I didn’t really understand the meaning of St. Patrick’s Day.  I know every year, on March 17, Bob suggests that I should wear green, and Red Bear, too.  The day is to honor the Irish — many people in the U.S. have some Irish blood in them, because millions of people from Ireland came here from the earliest times, to escape British oppression and especially after Ireland suffered a “potato famine” in 1846.  In the U.S., if you do not wear something green on St. Patrick’s Day, people might pinch you!  I did see most other people wearing green on the street, too.

So I brought out this Zara green dress I bought few weeks ago, and matched it with a Zara yellow bag, so here I can say I wore green on St.Patrick’s Day!! 🙂


Zara Dress/bag/shoes/sunglasses

Forever21 hat

H&M bracelet

Betsey Johnson Ring

Vintage Scarf

26 thoughts on “Green on St.Patrick’s Day

  1. 代表春天的仙子来啦。绿色,真的很清新的感觉。加上花丛,真的太漂亮啦。喜欢。以前我总会用沉色来搭配衣服的,看来也要换点色彩,也要自己有个好心情,就是怕穿不出好的效果。看着Hallie的照片就有心旷神怡的感觉。还想看看RB的绿色造型呢?

  2. 你皮肤白,穿绿色挺好的!还从来没听说过这个圣帕特里克节,对美国文化的了解又加深了。

  3. 绿色绿色,昨天我也买了件绿色短袖,就等着温度上升后能穿。

  4. 喜欢这个绿,昨天看<回家的诱惑》里面的女主角穿了这个绿色,觉得好看,今天你也穿上了,我也打算去ZARA看看有没有这款了~

  5. I’ll be honest too, I don’t know what Saint Patrick’s day is, but I’ve seen all over the blogosphere people wearing green, so it might have something to do with Ireland? I’m gonna google it 😛

    So THIS is how you styled these awesome wedges! 🙂 Green looks great on you, everything looks great on you! And it looks gorgeous with the yellow bag and this amazing scarf! Great hat and sunnies, it’s very 50s! I love it, you’re impeccable! 😀 😀

  6. 哪的呀,其实我有小肚子,手臂还很粗,所以一般不太敢穿太露肚子和露手臂的衣服,这条裙子是无袖的,所以才披了条围巾挡肥手臂:)

  7. you know yesterday I took Red Bear to the park, most of kids there wear green too! so did you google the day? lol…
    love you …

  8. 回家的诱惑?呵呵,我得上网找找剧照瞧瞧去...这个电视好看不?

  9. 今年的春夏就是个多彩和花朵的天下,绿色很IN,COCO打算怎样搭你的绿色短袖呢?

  10. 呵呵,对啊,其实这个节日挺好玩的,爱尔兰人可能庆祝得比较大一些,一般人象我们也就穿穿绿色应应节^^

  11. 我们这里已经是春天的呀,,,呵呵,所以现在每天都带宝宝出去散步去公园和春姑娘玩^^

  12. SUE可以试着先从一些亮色的上衣开始,配牛仔裤什么的,如果周围的人都说好看,再试着试试亮色的裙子配白衬衣,大胆了以后就开始玩带色上衣和下装..嘻嘻...

  13. 好看好看,这一阵子都在追呢,每晚看到12点.可累了,但还是想看.这戏听说是韩剧妻子的诱惑的山寨版呢.不过还是好看的..

  14. 这个《回家的诱惑》就是翻拍韩国的《妻子的诱惑》,整个故事的框架是差不多的,只是内容上还是有些区别的。姐姐喜欢看韩剧吗?

  15. 或许《妻子的诱惑》你已经看过,或是听说过。我之前看过韩剧的,现在翻拍的我是没看,也不适合我看,呵呵。

  16. 妻子的诱惑,好象有点印象,这边的韩台好象晚间有播过,当时看的韩语原版,英文字幕,而且宝宝在旁边睡觉,所以基本上看的无声电视,哈哈,

  17. 还别说,看韩剧只爱看里面的穿着,发现其实他们的剧情好看是好看,就是长得让人烦,我记得以前我有一个来自抚顺的女朋友,会说韩文,她特别喜欢看韩剧,按她的话,大多韩剧都是象裹脚布,哈哈,不是我说的.

  18. 嘻嘻,经你们这么一提醒,我就想起了,这边的韩语台放在这个戏来着,当时是每晚10点段,宝宝睡着了,我就看英文字幕无声电视,看得也还挺起劲的,哈哈.

  19. 嗯,还不错了,是韩国《妻子的诱惑》改编的,我天天追着看

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