Red Bear at St.Patrick Day

Is he green enough?

And I feel so bad when I said that’s a  donald duck on his shirt, and he corrected me that’s daffy duck!!! I feel I have so much need to learn, including a new Cartoon world, well, we didn’t have it in China when I was young 🙁


12 thoughts on “Red Bear at St.Patrick Day

  1. 不是Donald Duck吗?小时候看卡通是这么叫的吧?我也记得呢.那个鸭叔叔带着几个侄子的吗?一系列的搞笑片段,想起就开心,小时候还蛮喜欢的.现在改了啦?

  2. 哦.看到了,以前那个Donald Duck 好傻的样子,而且看出来很善良的,颜色是蓝色的吧?但看RB衣服那DUCK很凶的样子哦.而且还是黑色的,不同吧?那名字也不一样哦.呵..妈妈级的是跟不上孩子的步伐啦,只能追….

  3. 对啦,Donald Duck是兰色的,这个是黑色的!呵呵,确实是妈妈们只能追,但是我是觉得他现在才3 岁不到,我都追得喘气了,要再大点,我可怎么追哦,估计代沟就是这样出现的吧.唉....想不变老古董估计还要加油!

  4. hahahhah!!! LOL!!! Yes, that’s Duffy Duck and I so love him! And I also Red Bear! 🙂 I think that he is green enough! God, he goes everywhere!! Climbing up the trees, jumbing, he’s awesome and full of energy 🙂 I so loooove him 😀 <3

  5. 晕!我一直都以为是Donald Duck,呵呵!
    Red Bear老爸的手出镜了!

  6. 呵呵,看来我们当妈妈的得加油再加油啦,要不然代沟就越来越大啦,哈哈!

  7. You got that right! he goes everywhere!!!! OMG,,,and people see him on the street or the store, all say he has so much energy! poor mom,,,lol… we love you too!!! 😀

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