No More Fears

Today, we took Red Bear to see doctor to recheck his eyes, I am glad he is not afraid of the doctor anymore, and no more tears! YEAH! And of course, he is a very healthy boy now! 🙂

About my outfits today, I want to be dress like a good mom, so I pick up a midi skirt and soft cardigan, I did feel very feminine today.

I have to mention my midi skirt and clogs,  the other day we went to a Mexican Market to fix my shoes, during the wait time I found this skirt and clogs for $12 and $15,  good found? hmmm?

Hope everyone have a good weekend!


Gap Cardigan

Midi Skirt from Mexican Market

Chanel Bag

Soda Clogs

H&M Belt

14 thoughts on “No More Fears

  1. 太好啦.为RB鼓掌…Hallie这身打扮真的是好妈妈的样子哦。这外套我有件黑的,针织的吧。但没你的长,原来黄色也不错,以后多买点亮色点。呵。

  2. Oh hey I’m so glad Red Bear’s ok!!! I’ve been wanting to ask you for ages about his eyes, thank God he’s allright 🙂

    Next, you are WOW!!!! The most stylish and gorgeous momma ever! 😀 This skirt is so so to die for! It has this amazing vintage vibe, and it looks beautiful with these awesome clogs and the romantic top! Everytime I see your posts, I fell so…good!! I don’t know why, but I’m sure I’d have so much fun if I ever met you 🙂

  3. 你真是赚到了!裙子很美耶!鞋子也很有些小香的味道,喜欢!黄色嫩嫩的,貌美的青春潮妈!
    Red Bear好棒啊!小男子汉!

  4. 嘻嘻, 每个妈妈的宝宝都是世界上最可爱的宝宝, 亲爱的以后有了自己的孩子就知道了^^

  5. Thank you Demy, and yes, Red Bear is very ok now! heheh…you can see that when you see his pictures in everywhere!
    I am so happy to know that you feel good everything you see my posts, sometimes I ask myself : if people like to read my daily post ? and all I write about is normal and simple life. Thank you for feeling good! and I wish you feeling good in everyway in your life!

  6. 呵呵,黑色的是基本款, 也不错的啊!
    SUE每次带YY去医院, YY会哭吗?

  7. 真的很棒,Hallie不仅会穿还很会买!LOVE HAILLE!!!Have a nice weekend!

  8. 是以前小的时候YY还不清楚哪回事,所以这问题还好解决.但现在是打预防针就会啦.因为太多小朋友一齐在等候,而且每个都哭着进去哭着出来,所以YY也知道什么事呢,一见到白衣姐姐就哭啦.因为逃不掉嘛.有时候还会取笑别的小朋友呢.反正他知道了,有时也说”姐姐打针针,好痛哦.”

  9. 哈..我昨晚真的把这款的开衫送了一件给我妈妈…是玫红的,很配她的身材,她也很喜欢这个颜色….

  10. 我也很喜欢玫红色咧,,,今年大热….你妈妈是不是长得白, 皮肤白的穿这个色好看:)

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