DIY: Peep-Toe Bow Wedge

So here is one of the project I did today at this rainy day with Red Bear, to DIY a Prada Looks like peep toe bow shoes.

What I need:

1. Wedges(sorry for those yellow stains inside the shoes, …errrrrrrrrrrr,,so that you know they are really really old. :))

2. A braid belt, well, if you have some good fabric that is hard enough to make a bow, that’s ok too.

3. scissors

4. Needles and  black thread

5. Packaging Tape

6. Super Glue

Let’s Start:

1. I tie a bow first, depends on how big the bow you want, then cut it

2. Use a packaging tape to fix the edgy of the bow.

3. fold the tape part back and fix by needles as below.

4. Glue (I have to say that every mom should keep a super glue home, to fix every broken piece from your baby’s toy!

and almost everyday I can hear Red Bear say, Mom Glue this please?

5. Do another shoe the same way.

What do you think? I can’t wait to take some pictures with wearing it , hopefully tomorrow will be a sunny day!

18 thoughts on “DIY: Peep-Toe Bow Wedge

  1. 我担心下雨天会把里面的透明胶给弄湿了,那会掉下来吗?你说用打火机把它轻轻一烫。把边缘粘在一齐会好一点吗?会牢固一点吗?记得小时候我是很喜欢劳作的。以后有时间也要做些杰作才行。嘻。。

  2. 非常好的创意,赶紧也把自己以前的鞋子找找看有没有可以再改造的,嘻嘻。

  3. WOW!!! You’re a genious!!!!! They turned out so so beautiful! You’re awesome!

    And LOL at ‘Mom, glue this please?’ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

  4. hahah….that’s true,,,sometimes he try so hard to break the toy just wants me to glue them….bad boy in that point:)

  5. 用打火机烧? 不知道是否对这种材质有效,,,我原来是想着用万能胶全部粘起来来着, 后来觉得这种鞋子也不期望能穿多久, 再加上我有点小懒, 呵呵, 所以就将就喽.

  6. 可是有时候也心灵手笨啊, 比如有时候想的到的, 却做不出漂亮的效果来, 呵呵, 这个我还是比较满意的…

  7. 好看好看!这个材质还有些闪闪的,更有立体感,换其他颜色做蝴蝶结会好看吗?

  8. 换其他颜色? 应该也可以吧, 我当时是就地取材, 看到家里有什么就拿什么来做, 呵呵, 看看如果有兴趣的话, 可以先拿你想做蝴蝶结的材料放在鞋子上比划下, 感觉很好, 就继续喽…^^

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