My Poor Lily

It’s such a pretty day today! I am really in the mood for dress very spring-y again, I really believe colors affect your moods, what’s my mood today? pinky romantic I guess.

And this is another skirt I found in a Mexican whole sale market, make sure to use slim belt with your long/midi skirt, the chunky/mens belt could reduce the long/midi skirt’s sweetness…

Those two pretty lilies I got from our garden.  See below and how me and Red Bear love them. 😉

Some moments during the shooting

I am so in love with this $15 pink sunglasses, in fact, I am in so love in everything in pink/hot pink now! I need to go get a hot pink nail polish !!!

Red Bear!!!! what are you doing to my pretty lily????!!!!

Ok, at the end, I only have one lonely lily on my hand.

My Poor Lily, Thank you Red Bear!!!

?????????, ????Red Bear!!!^^

Zara Shirt

Skirt from Mexican whole sale market

Thrifted Bag

Celine Shoes

H&M Hat

AJ Morgan Oversized pinky Sunglasses

32 thoughts on “My Poor Lily

  1. 哈..象在看一部电影,还有剧情呢.RB拿着百合送妈妈,到后面自己把花给咬断了.太可爱了.看着就想笑,咬花那镜头让我想起YY吃甘蔗了,一样的动作,太可爱了..Hallie的粉色鞋子很艳丽哦。我是穿不好这颜色的啦。看来Hallie真是“色姑娘”哦,什么颜色都能搭得好看。羡慕。。

  2. 哈哈,大家好像都是对粉色没有免疫力的,裙子这两个颜色都好看,很女人!

  3. 呵呵,我好象觉得这种墨镜和裙子都很容易找得到的呀,又不是大牌^^

  4. 估计吧;), 或者是这种长裙的作用, 穿起这种长裙来, 人也变得恬静起来…

  5. 哈哈, 摧花大盗这词用给RB最好, 实际上他是催物大盗, 什么东西到了他手上, 大多没能挺过一天.

  6. 啊? 怎么这段时间我还听见中国的朋友说让自己的小孩吃甘蔗,,,我当时还劝说说甘蔗除了糖就是糖, 还硬, 对小孩的牙不好…你也尽量让YY少吃点甘蔗吧..嘻嘻, 美国市场里没有甘蔗卖的, 这里的人都不吃甘蔗的, 说是对牙不好.
    SUE如果觉得粉色不适合你, 那你是适合什么颜色的? 其实有些时候试试自己没尝试过的颜色, 有时候会有惊喜哦.

  7. 今天只是为了拍照, 所以穿了单衣, 今天的天气是得穿件外套的…还是有些凉, 因为刚下了大雨, 说是明天可能还会有雨,….
    不过在这里习惯了, 出门穿少了也不怕, 因为去到哪都有空调就是了….

  8. 😀 hahhahaha!!! “Thank you Red Bear!!!” ahahahahha! 😀 He is such a cutie, even when he kills a lily 🙂 🙂

    Anyway, I so love this outfit! I’m wowed by all these ways of styling you’re coming up with! 🙂 This skirt is beautiful, very romantic and boho chic! 🙂 And it looks awesome with the striped top! And how awesome are these sunnies!!! They look pretty on you!! 🙂 You’re STUNNING!! Seriously STUNNING! 😀 I can predict that this will get on Chictopia’s frontpage less than two hours after posting!! 😀 ;D

  9. Yeah, ‘Thank you Bear Bear!!!””” he is really sound like a man now, yesterday, I was going to clean the yard so I asked him do you want to help mommy? he said; I can’t help, I am too tired…..I really don’t know if I should love him or hate him more in that point….hahah…
    I saw your last post about you went out with your friends, I am so envy you have so many friends…but I know why, you have a wonderful personality, and every one wants to be friend of you! and love you…

  10. love your outfit!! such a pleasant and romantic style. i can feel the LA spring is here by just looking at your outfit. you always have a good sense of styling. Have you ever considered having a career in styling?

  11. 其实我是反对YY吃甘蔗的,但因为家里经常有买到,他爸与奶奶超喜欢的,每次他们吃他都要吃,我是反对,但他们都不理会,唉.我哪敢跟家婆坚持.所以还是会吃到的,有时候不是自己带小孩就是这样.不敢坚持自己的做法,人家还说是我的经验不足,就是相信什么书啊,医生之类的话,所以有时候就是委屈,想要小孩更科学的饮食又与传统观念相背.我现在也尽量找些亮色的衣服,想在夏天也试试,一般我都是黑色主调,显瘦嘛.

  12. 嗯, 可以体会你的难处, 有时候老一辈人的喜好我们也是很难迎合的, 为难你喽!

  13. Thank you Tracy, that’s such a sweet comment, really makes my night here:)
    About having a career in styling? I thought of to learn some fashion design or something relative with, and my husband suggested me to start my own fashion brand, but at the end, I say I want to support his business first and I want to have a daughter …and everything else after that…so we will see…
    I consider myself as a very hard working woman, and I will never stop chase my dream:)

    Thank you again for your sweet comment…

  14. 呵呵,这也是我最爱的颜色

  15. 今天的相片,效果很棒哦!最可爱的是RB给Hallie献花的那表情,哈哈哈

  16. well, it is always good to turn passion into a career. then you would do what you love, it is a win-win situation. i think your husband is right, take his advice and start your own business. wish you a successful future:)))

  17. Hahaha I love the progression of two lilies becoming only one! I love everything about this outfit- the stripes and the lace and your adorable pink sunnies. Weather has been so gloomy in Hong Kong- Style Voyager can second me on that! Makes for sad looking outfit photos…


  18. 准确的说, 是热粉/深粉控, 呵呵,,,不过今天春夏的色彩多姿多彩的, 除了粉色其他啥颜色我都好一口, 哈哈…

  19. Hahah…the poor lily…:)
    Sorry for the weather in HK, but why don’t try to wear bright and cheer everything? 🙂

  20. Thanks Tracy, Wish everybody here a very successful future! at least a happy one 😉

  21. 哈哈, 他给我献花那表情叫装无GU, 好象他不知道这花是他弄断似的…..汗….

  22. 今天突然想到怎么形容你穿这裙子的感觉了,所以找出这篇来:

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