Sweet In, Sweet Out

Some readers said I like to add some sweetness in every outfits, so what do you think about this one? Feeling sweet? What? even I dress so rocky? hmmm….I know, maybe it’s this pair of Balenciaga, or the little diamond bow sunglasses…

Here is the little diamond bow sunglasses I found in Target, like the cat-eyes shape, and isn’t that bow cute?

Bob always find the same excuse for eating dessert, Sweet in, Sweet out. ^^ Red Bear doesn’t care, he is a sweet boy, but he is not candy addict. Really?

River Island Jacket

Zara Leather Dress

Balenciaga Heels

Carlos Falchi Bag

Sunglasses from Target

16 thoughts on “Sweet In, Sweet Out

  1. *just breath, I tell to myself* WOW Hallie! WOW!! Even awesomeness has its limits for normal people! When I saw the pics, my eyes were like that: O_O O_O!!! Seriously! You are stunning! Tell me, how can I NOT say that this is one of my faves as well? 😀 I really adore everything, EVERYTHING!!! These Balenciaga babies are so to die for, I love them to pieces! And you’re right the sunglasses are awesome, whole meaning of the word! The cat eye shape looks amazing on you and the bow detail is so fab! I looooooooove your style!!! I DO!

    And Red Bear of course isn’t a sweet addict! He is so sweet that he’s had enough! 😀 He is gorgeous and cute cute cute like a loaf 😀

  2. Thanks Demy, for making my weekend so nice and beautiful……
    You know last night we went to shop, and Red Bear run so fast, I asked his dad, catch him please! I wear high heel! hahah…and when we get in the car, I said I have to bring a flats with me next time, and my hubby said, no flats!!!! maybe lower heels!!!! hahah…

    Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend there too! any fun plan?

  3. 喜欢老外的语言!多生动!我的语言总是很贫乏.我只能说 酷 帅 美!

  4. 谢谢姐姐的提前祝福。我荣幸宣布,今天正式奔2了。呵呵,跟18还是很接近的哦!大家同乐!姐姐一家也永远幸福!

  5. HALLIE的每一次搭配都很有爱,很SWEET.不然我怎么会天天都来看你?

  6. 就象你们的每一次留言, 又有爱又Sweet, 所以咱们每天就在这里互相爱着, 互相让对方感到快乐:)

  7. 哈哈, 可是有的时候觉得中文也很生动的, 换成英文来讲, 就说不出那种感觉和味道来了:)

  8. 怎么这双鞋子跟我的一双那么像呢?哪天我真人一个给你看!好像好像!我的是拼色的!

  9. 热烈欢迎TINA真人秀啊! 嘻嘻, 在我印象中, 你也是高跟鞋/色彩的狂爱者!

  10. 哇!很酷啊!皮衣皮裙很摩登,墨镜、鞋子又加入了甜美的元素!高跟鞋真是很好看!

  11. 谢谢看看, 其实不知道为什么, 我总觉得自己穿皮装穿不出那酷酷的问题来, 所以干脆就来个甜酷得了, 嘻嘻.

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