Pookie Has Cancer

We were going to have dinner with Red Bear’s Grandpa tonight, but grandpa called earlier the day and said his cat Pookie went to see doctor today, doctor found out Pookie has mouth cancer, grandpa said he is sad and in the bad mood, so the dinner canceled. Sorry for Pookie…

The weather really getting bad here, rain and cold, I sure don’t know what to wear in this weather after I have been dress very spring-y for a while. This red warm coat(or sweater) I found in a thrift store for , I was thinking to use it as inside house warm coat. Maybe I lose my mind before I left the house, I just want to put something long, warm. adding a leather belt from another cloth, so that you can still see my waist line:)

The Red Bear’s “No Picture” moments

I look so acting in front of the camera compare with Red Bear 🙁

I walk down the stairs by feet.

Red Bear “roll down” the stairs by butt, he said: only hurt a little bit.

Thrifted Coat( sweater)

H&M leather pants

H&M Hat

Dolce Vita Heels

Chanel Bag

Leather Belt from another cloth

18 thoughts on “Pookie Has Cancer

  1. 3个美金的外套,真是赚到了哦!看起来很衬今年流行的毛衫。鞋鞋上细节很漂亮哦,后跟设计是不是不累脚?

  2. 其实这款真的是不咋的, 我穿了这次估计不会再穿出去了, 觉得这种款式已经很OUT了, 呵呵…后跟这种设计确实是不累脚, 真聪明;)

  3. Hi! I’m sorry about Pookie, but I’ll be honest that I feel very relieved that it’s a cat. When I read the title I was like “Omgosh, no”, so ouf! Just a cat. I don’t mean to be awful, but if it was a person it would be so much worse!

    Anyways, YOU HAVE KILLER STYLE!!!! And I mean it! I don’t know, you should make sth with it, become a stylist, start a fashion collection, something! Your abilities should not go wasted, because you really deserve a LOT! This sweater-ish coat (e?) is soooo pretty! The color is gorgeous and it looks awesome with the leather belt, it’s very flattering on you! Plus, your shoes are so freaking gorgeous! You have no idea how much I’d like to raid your shoe closet (actually not only the shoe closet :P)! And I think that both you and cute Red Bear look awesome in from of the camera! It’s just that Red Bear is kinda more… hmm.. unstoppable! 😀 😀 He is such a cutie! And his aviator jacket is awesome, very Top Gun-ish! (I feel like I’m creating words today… :P)

    You’re pretty pretty! Give Red Bear a huge kiss! 😀

  4. 还好, 呵呵….上面穿暖和了, 脚丫子为了漂亮可以吹下凉风, 哈哈.

  5. Thank you Demy! your comments always include all the contents/details that I wrote/post in my blog, this really impress me!
    And yes, that’s only a cat, and he is pretty old already,, so I am just a little bit sad, since he is one of the family. 🙁
    I am really thinking to start a fashion collection or something like that, maybe after ” Honey Bear”, my future daughter, hahah….
    And you got that right, we buy that aviator jacket just want to make a Top Gun-ish boy at home! hahah….I really like your ability to creat words, get more inspiration my dear Demy!
    love you so much, you are so sincere and kind to everyone, you are must a Angel from somewhere. 😀

  6. 最后那张黑白照片好有Feel哦!!!每次看你的博客我都流口水, 羡慕你那儿的天气!!!我真的是冻怕了!!!

  7. 对你们的天气表示深切同情啦, 呵呵, 我也被这里的天气宠坏了, 哪天不阳光春天的就觉得不舒服, 呵呵.

  8. 这衣服上身效果不错哦.应该是Hallie的身材好吧。嘻。最后一张要是做海报应该好漂亮好有FEEL哦。RB的下楼梯方法我家YY也是这样的,还有一种是屁股翘起来倒着下楼梯呢。就是背着向下爬的那种,叫着不准这样也不停,伤脑筋哦。

  9. 哈哈, 还有更搞笑的下楼梯方法, 太搞笑了! 小朋友的脑子就是灵活, 不过这也是他们的创造力的表现吧^^

  10. 哈哈,RB太可爱了!我们这边总算暖和些了,但是外面阳光灿烂,屋子里面还是挺冷,所以我还是穿得厚厚的,春天快来吧,买了好多漂亮衣服还没机会穿。

  11. 啊? 看看都买了啥漂亮衣服? 我们这这两天又开始上高温了, 就是那种穿衬衣又可以的季节了…^^希望你们那的春天早点来吧!

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