I Have Something In My Eye

Where my today’s title came from? yesterday, I said: I have something in my eye, maybe a sand…guess what Bob responded: I have something in my eyes too—-you! What a sweet one! 😀

I was so looking forward to received my package from China last week, my sister mail me some of my old clothing/bags and some new air plane toy set for Red Bear, and a pen for my hubby. The sad thing is we didn’t know that mailing a pen require a lot of documentation to prove that the pen do not contain any “toxic substances” in the ink! We didn’t know that, so the package mail coming back to my sister in China now! Sorry sister…

Red Bear’s mission that day was to fix the yellow tag:)

Vintage polka dot Blouse

Zara green Skirt

Zara Yellow Bag

Miu Miu Heels

H&M Sunglasses

YSL Ring

D&G Watch

34 thoughts on “I Have Something In My Eye

  1. Hello hello pretty lady!! 😀 I hope you’re allright!! Jeez, it’s JUST A PEN!! A PEN! But then again, I guess they have to be over careful…

    So anyways, I DO LOVE THIS!!!! Color blocking and so so stylish! I love every piece! I bet your closet is the garden of Eden, right? Is it a walk in closet?? (if you don’t mind me asking) 😀 Well, so like I said I love everything, I’m speechless when I have to comment your outfits 🙂 And I so love your hair like that! I love them straight, but I love them like that too. SO that confirms that if a person is beautiful, hair doesn’t matter 😀

    Plus, how cuuuuute is Red Bear!!! 😀 Adorable baby! He always has the most heartmelting responses! 😀 And the day’s mission is really important, hahha! Poor yellow tag! 😀

    Bye bye Hallie! ALWAYS looking forward to your next post 🙂

  2. Hallie每天都活中幸福当中吧。LG的甜言蜜语肯定把你乐开了。哈。我也在你的眼镜里看到了东西。RB真得好可爱。让他干什么都去了,听话哦。Hallie今天的搭配很OL。上班时不知Hallie是否这样穿的呢?

  3. 对付你儿子真有招。不过我对付MARC也是使招,这样他就不会来缠着我让我做不了事情了。哈哈!很喜欢你这一套。看到绿色裙子我就想起来有一次和LG逛街,我想买一条绿色的短裙,结果LG摇头不同意。看来今后要自己去逛。

  4. 天啊!寄东西还有这些规定啊?这下知道了,以后往国外寄东西时先要问问清楚。

  5. 哎呀~~你的新招真的層出不窮, 好期待看每天RB的小差事, 哈哈

    那雙miu miu呀, 我看到chicmuse穿就喜歡 (基本她穿什麼我都愛, 哈) 陽光下還會閃閃反光的呢
    這個是不是last season的呢?應該是冬天款吧, 買不到了….上年夏天的花花呀燕子圖案的高跟鞋我也好想要呀, 但現在有錢也不一定買到了, 我聽說miu miu的heels走起路來還有點難穿, 你感覺呢?

  6. 呵呵, chicmuse身材好,气质好,穿什么都好看的啦,我这双鞋是我生日(1月份)的时候买的, 当时还找了四折,赚了,呵呵,我也还想找那个配套的鞋套来着,就是也没有了呢. 我也很喜欢那双燕子图案鞋呢,就象你说的,有钱也买不到喽.
    不过确实MIU MIU家的高跟鞋相比起来算是难走路的.当时我老公停车,我还埋怨说停这么远, 穿这高跟鞋难走,老公就说那你怎么买难走路的鞋子, 我就说了,这鞋是拿来坐着看的,不是拿来走的. 哈哈!!!

  7. 是啊, 所以我妹妹发火了, 说是要给寄送公司写差评, 说是明明知道要寄钢笔, 却不说需要很多文件…她这回来劲了, 说现在的人最怕人写差评, 哈哈…
    我不担心RB大了, 我忽悠不住他, 他到时候也不会缠着我了,,,唉….

  8. 呵呵, 跟老公逛街就有这点不好, 我有时候也是, 在一个款式上, 我老公就说这个色好, 而我又喜欢另一个色, 但我往往都会选我自己喜欢的颜色, 因为最后他都会说, 我是style icon, 他只是style icon 的老公, 哈哈….不过相信自己的直觉吧:)

  9. 我老公又出差了, 5555,,,,
    RB有这点好, 就是让他去丢垃圾呀,采花什么的, 一定会开开心心的去干, 哈哈…

  10. Yeah, they have to be over careful, and we learn the lesson….
    About the hair,,,sometimes it really get me in trouble, so I have a lot of hats. for the bad hair day:D
    About Red Bear’s mission, his favorite one is to throw the trash, lol…
    Hope you have a wonderful night there!

  11. 对啊,寄送公司应该事先讲清楚啊,不注意这些细节会造成很多麻烦。

  12. Hey it’s the bag we both have! I love how you paired it with that ‘lego green’ (yes I call all those bold cobalts, yellows and reds ‘lego _____’). I should try doing something like that some time! And I can’t wait to hear what news you have for us from your latest post! ^^


  13. 哈哈…說得好!!!你老公應該現在非常了解我們這班愛打扮愛花俏的女人們的心理….嘻嘻~~你們那邊常開車其實還好一點, 可以放一雙便鞋在車上以便不時之需…我們呀, 都是搭公車或者走路的, 穿起那些鞋子真是一步一驚心呀!!! 我BF就常常抱怨我走得慢!!!

    哇~~~~四折!!!!!!!!真是賺到啦!!! 可惜今季都沒有看到心水的款, 不然可以等6月時打折去買…(偷笑)chicmuse的腿我真是超想要啦~~個子不高郤看起來像個國際模特…真是羨慕死….

  14. 这条裙子你穿就是好看呢!怎么看怎么喜欢, 可是越看越郁闷, 我穿咋就那么不合身捏?绝对的前凸后翘, 绝对的肚子凸屁屁翘!各种难看呀!嘻嘻。

  15. I like this outfit!It’s really nice,green and yellow!
    and the great “worker”—RB!So lovely:p

  16. I always like green and yellow combo, you can see from most of my outfits, I think they are a very happy couple ^^

  17. 呵呵, 确实是啊,以前去香港, 看到那里的女人几乎都是平底鞋的, 走起路来还特别快, 以前有人问我对香港的印象, 我就说发现香港人和纽约人一起, 走起路来带风的, 哈哈…

  18. yes, that’s the IT bag between you and me, hahah….about the good news, next time you check on my page you will know:)

  19. 嗯嗯, 国内的宝宝们有很多人带着, 当妈妈的相对轻松, 我一个人带比较辛苦, 但是有点好就是, RB比较听话, 他一做错事, 我生气了, 他会道歉, 特别是老公不在的时候, 他都不敢惹我生气, 哈哈…小可怜…

  20. 对啊!RB很懂事了,看得出来他很爱妈妈,而且我也觉得男孩子跑来跳去很正常,不要让他坐着不动很乖的样子,男孩子需要一些挑战精神和冒险精神的。

  21. 同意! 而且我时候觉得RB是属于同年龄真的很听话很懂事的了…

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