A Surprise Call!

I got a very surprise call today!!! wow…I am still so exciting and happy! I am dancing and yelling here!!! haha….sorry, I can’t tell you right now, wait for tomorrow! I hope I can show you in picture tomorrow!

About my outfits yesterday, the blouse I found in Salvation Army store, they have 50% off the day I went there, so this blouse was .5, it’s silk made and I never have this style before. I mean the stripe like that.

I normally don’t wear socks, but I really happy to see the blue shorts with the pinky-red socks combination. what do you think?

Yes Yes, I got my outfits inspiration from Red Bear’s T-shirt:)

It’s my nails Breath-day 🙂 (good excuse, right? 🙂

I really like flowers, so don’t be bore when you see I post flowers picture often:)

Thrifted Blouse

Zara Shorts

Miu Miu Heels

Thrifted Bag

Socks from Target

Juice Couture Sunglasses

H&M Hat

Asos Ring

32 thoughts on “A Surprise Call!

  1. Hallieeee!! I’m so so glad you got awesome news! I won’t lie, I’m really curious to learn what is it about, and I hope that it’s THE BEST!! 😀 😀

    So anyway, I LOVE this outfit! I honestly cannot explain it, but there’s something in the way you put pieces together… It’s just.. OUT OF THIS WORLD!! I LOVE YOUR STYLE!! I LOVE IT!!! And YES, I did yell it 😀 (lol, mom came in my room to see why the hell I shouted in English hahaha!!) There’s absolutely nothing to say about the outfit, because as I have said before, perfection should NOT be commented, it’s perfection after all 😀 Your leg are so gorgeous, Hallie! 😀 Well, everything on you is gorgeous, but we don’t get to see your legs really often 🙂 😛
    And Red Bear, ohhhh… my cute cute baaabyyyyyy! 😀 He is in motion all the time haha! 😀 He deserves a TRILLION kisses and hugs for making world such a cute place 😀

    Btw, I’m too a flower maniac, flowers are so so pretty! But the yellow flower..is it a rose? At first I though it was a rose, but then it kinda looked like a gardenia.. It’s beautiful nevertheless! 😀

    Take care, Hallie! You’re AMAZING! The most amazing person on the whole world!

  2. are you pregant? i hope that is the news because you have been said you wanted a daughter for a while:))))))))))))))
    wonderful outfit!!!!

  3. 期待你的好消息…听说坚条纹会显瘦的?真的吗?Hallie那边应该很热了吧。都是短装出来了。RB每天都陪着妈妈开心的游戏,看到你们母子就快乐起来了。ENJOY THE TIME WITH EACH OTHER。。呵。。还有个事呢。我家LG还跟我说Hallie那的古奇是不是很贵。有机会真想让Hallie帮忙带呢。。呵。(说笑啦,运费更贵吧)

  4. Hallie有介绍我家YY给RB认识吗?让他们做个网友吧。。哈。。YY已经认识RB啦。跟着妈妈看RB和Hallie阿姨的网站啦。

  5. 昨天去商场想找玫瑰色的口红,结果被告知暂时没那么快跟上外面的潮流呢,唉,失望ing……….

  6. 喜欢这个LOOK!短裤+棉袜很好看,很稀饭这件衬衣啊,你怎么总能找到淘宝的好地方!

  7. 如果把袜子往下收一点,表现出皱皱的感觉,会显得你的长腿更长。呵呵!RB是我们一天天看着长大了哦,头发也长了。想好RB的发型了吗?

  8. 期待好消息,前几天去ZARA,记得你穿过的都拿来试一下,但是我怎么就没那个感觉呢…我怎么就那么没范儿呢,总找不到原因…5555555555555

  9. 你们现在完全是夏天的打扮了呢!讨厌呀!不过我想的和你家LG说的一样, 干洗费要比衣服还贵, 嘻嘻。 我觉得干洗店的定价绝对有问题, 男人的衬衫干洗也就是2块钱, 但是那次我拿了件我的衬衣去洗, 就是那种稍微有点长款有点褶皱的衬衣,但是再长也就是和男款一样长的呗, 竟然要10块, 说是什么这要算是女士裙子了!真是无语了。

  10. I love this outfit,as Demy said”perfection should NOT be commented”!!! I just wanna say you are so brave,Hallie!n I love the way you are,always!
    n…..ofcourse ,that’s a enjoyment to see flowers pictures! I don’t think nobody do not like pretty things.:P
    The last thing is RB is a handsome guy! MIL BESOS PARA RB,BONITO!!!(Spanish:)

  11. I am a fashion adventurer, hahah,,,and my brave size some from Red Bear, he never afraid of anything, (sometimes it’s dumb.lol),

  12. 呵呵, Daisy试了哪件? 难道我穿的都不适合你? 那你另外试了别的吗? 最后找到自己喜欢的了吗?

  13. 下次试试袜子下收的效果, 但是很奇怪, 每次我穿更短的袜子,就会显得腿短…
    RB的发型就这样了哦, 我上次就只剪了他的刘海,哈哈…后面就象杂草般, 任其疯长着,,,,

  14. 我觉得国内的人还不太接受短裤加棉袜的造型呢, 呵呵….看看能喜欢我很高兴^^
    美国这里有很多这种福利性的二手货商店, 总能淘出点东西来的,上次我看我前面那女人, 把柜台里的全部漂亮的手饰买走了,我心想她是不是也自己开店的, 因为再转手卖出就是10倍以上的价格了!

  15. 当然有啦,, RB见过YY的相片的哦! 以后他们长大了, 会用电脑了, 自己做网友去, 让RB跟YY学中文, YY跟RB学英文:)

  16. 那天是比较高温了, 短袖短裤都出来了, 但是不是那种热到会出汗的…反正很宜人:)
    GUCCI是欧洲品牌, 在欧洲买应该比在这里买便宜, 而且我们这里卖要交税, 欧洲还可以退税, 这一点比较起来就是欧洲买划算喽.
    运费是贵是真的, 我每次给我妹妹寄点小箱子大的东西, 每次就是50美金.

  17. hahah….you guess wrong, but you are right that I really wish to have a daughter ! we will have to wait few more months until our business really get in the track and run!

  18. haha,,,I love what you said: it’s perfect after all!!! same as here,,,every time I try to reply your comment and all I want to say is Thank you so much and love you so much!!!
    That flower is rose! We have a lot of beautiful roses here! almost in every yard and house! we have the perfect weather for roses! come visit us soon! in the Rose season!

  19. what kind of businss are you running? if you don’t mind i ask, you don’t have to answer? good luck with everything:))

  20. 这个主意不错哦.互补不足…呵…..不过看来还得有好长时间才会吧…暂时先由妈妈们代替交流吧.

  21. 在你的熏陶下,我的品位也在不断提高,嘻嘻!

  22. 嗯嗯, 国内二手货店还不成熟, 以前我就知道有人在夜市地摊卖旧衣服, 卫生状况另人担心!

  23. 好多的穿得特别漂亮的都没有这个款式呢.我只买了一件绿色的裙子.回来又后悔了,温州还没上ZARA.不过就快了,那我以后就方便跟随你了.哈哈

  24. 绿色的东西现在很IN呀, 为什么后悔了? 现在是不是国内很多地方都要上ZARA了? 好期待哦:)

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