Mix and Match

I really don’t know where I came out this idea to wear this outfits like that. I found the shirt long time ago in Bob’s closet, love all the colors and pattern on it, I know I am going to wear it one day, so this shirt been transfer from Bob’s closet to mine…

So here is what I wore today, mix this super big shirt with a midi skirt and lace top, because the shirt is so long, so I tied a knot on the bottom, adding the round sunglasses just for fun.

Remember this Topshop Bag been ruined by putting Red Bear’s Milk bottle inside? The milk leaked and made a big mark in the front of the bag. My super professional Shoe/bag repair guy fixed it by repaint the color outside the bag, now it looks like just out of the wok! Fresh!!!!

H&M Lace Top/ Pumps/ Round Sunglasses

Asos Skirt

Shirt from my hubby’s closet

Topshop Bag

28 thoughts on “Mix and Match

  1. I got the Sofa!!!
    Wow……Hallie ,you are really brave enough to try new things.Anyway,it looks nice,this idea is chic!I like it,but I think for the moment I won’t brave enough to try.Hallie,you are the hero !
    The coloful shirt from your hubby is radiant!!! good choice!!

  2. 看到Hallie那的樱花啦。开得很灿烂哦。我们这边也是,所以才去照了几组照片。感觉你的衬衣好鲜艳跟这花相应。看来Hallie又多了一个新包包,以后可以常出镜呢。RB的外套是他爸买的那套?裤子应该还长吧。喜欢那勾花上衣,我也买了一件镂空勾花的,但还没想到要怎样配,看了Hallie的搭配又可以试着来哦。

  3. Ah……You are Hallie’s husband?Just to say Hi…I am sue ….your favorite shirt as a gift for Hallie…Maybe she will buy a better shirt for you…Wow…

  4. 很好的搭配呢~~~ Hallie很会运用身边的衣服呢 把运动和女人味柔和到了一起~~

  5. 哇!你的想象力还真是丰富!这件衬衣如果是我一定会拿来搭牛仔裤,呵呵!

  6. 发现Hallie的墨镜好多!而且都很时尚,稀饭!BTW,为什么RB在这样阳光灿烂的日子选择穿雨靴?

  7. hahha!! Poor husband 😛 Just kidding, I adore this combination! Your mind is really weird and AWESOME!! How did you come up with this gorgeous idea? You’re amazig! I love this, I really do! And the fourth pic is so breathtaking!! You should frame it, or something like that! 😀 Your hair is awesome too! 😀 Perfection, as I have already said! 😀 😀 Kiss Red Bear! I’m off to school! Bye bye beautiful lady! Thanks for making my day with these stunning pictures 🙂

  8. 呵呵,这种花叫你们那叫勒杜鹃吗?有广东的朋友告诉我说她们那叫樱花,看来这花还挺耐长的,哪都有,所以大家看着都亲切:)

  9. Yeah, poor husband, that’s what he said too…lol…well….same as you, weren’t you steal your mom or aunt stuff to wear? just kidding…I bet you have the same feeling too, wear somebody else from your family’s cloth, feeling so warm and close…no?
    Be a good girl in the school, I know you will:) and get more love everyday!

  10. 呵呵,一般我眼部懒得化妆的时候就戴墨镜,这样出去只抹防晒霜和口红就可以了^^

  11. 拿来搭牛仔裤就是比较休闲和田园装扮,如果我去摘草莓,我就那么穿^^

  12. 哈哈,我会告诉我老公听有人在我网站上给他留言了,让他看看去.

  13. 对啊,RB的外套是他爸买的,其实当时他穿着睡衣,出门前他老爸说外面凉,让披件外套,就随手穿了这件.所以穿得有点不伦不类,哈哈...

  14. haha,,,you won’t brave enough to try? OMG, now I know that this outfits is really out of mind, lol…anyway, wear what you like and what fits you, as long as your happy:D

  15. 嘻。刚好看到他的留言,我就打个招呼咯。哈。看你们恩爱得还在网上传情了。羡慕+幸福。

  16. 妈妈混搭+宝宝混搭, 呵呵。 你确实是很敢穿敢搭的呢!其实我也试过这件钩针的上衣, 但是我当时想过的也就是在里面加件背心打底,不过搭出来的效果还是令人惊喜的。
    但是话又说回来,我得给你们家那位打抱不平了, 你这么多衣服了, 还得抢人家的晕, 哈哈。
    Bob,wo got your back! Lol. 🙂

  17. 喜欢这身搭配的所有颜色和单品,不过觉得这件衬衫搭配裤子和马甲应该会更好看。Hallie,再做个其他尝试吧?

  18. 哈哈, 得了得了!!! 已经物归原主啦! 也只是图一时新鲜玩玩啦!:D

  19. 哈哈, 也不是啦, 主要是我喜新厌旧了, 因为又在他衣柜里淘了别的东西了, 哈哈…

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