Green Great Park

If anything can be comfortable and chic for the park, I think that’s leather jacket and jeans, about the clogs? no, I wear it only for pictures. ^^

Frog, frog, who said Red Bear is Frog again?

That’s why we say don’t play fire, you can have sand full of your mouth, nose, face when you play sand, but you can’t have fire all over you.

Zara Green Skiny Jeans/Black Tee

Esprit Leather Jacket

Soda Clogs

H&M Sunglasses

Asos Bird Hand Harness/leopard print bag

24 thoughts on “Green Great Park

  1. 好美好喜欢哦。真的。喜欢这种绿色。母子装又来啦。Hallie的搭配真是又舒适又时尚。还有各种饰品。发现带点色真是吸引眼球的。喜欢这样的色。RB也超可爱的。一定不能让小孩玩火的,现在YY是玩水和玩沙。其实水也不太好吧。但必须有大人陪同咯。看RB玩的多开心哦。

  2. Hallie好久没有夹克的搭配了呢 呵呵 今天也是运用撞色呢~~美!!!

  3. 现在经常是母子装的造型呢!我也在想你家那位是不是也穿了绿色呢?呵呵。 你们那天气转凉了么?你又穿上外套了。

  4. 对啊, 亲爱的, 很久没见你了, 你有告诉我你为什么这么久没露面吗? 前段时间我还在想是不是我在这里说错了什么, 你有意见了? 我也很想你呢…..现在和狗狗应该不用再露宿屋外了吧^^

  5. 呵呵, 对的啊, 小孩子天生什么都不怕, 现在RB是最喜欢玩餐刀, 一出去吃饭, 他第一抓来玩的就是餐刀, 烦死了….
    玩水也怕, 所以就算夏天的时候游泳, 我都要给自己和他穿上救生衣才下游泳池,,,,呵呵,,安全第一, 安全第一!

  6. 呵呵, 对呀, 近来一段时间都比较热, 这天出去的时候有点想下雨, 还起风了, 所以穿得稍稍多了点….

  7. 已经说了啊, 老公穿了黄色T, 呵呵, 不是撞色嘛….那天有点想下雨, 还起风了, 所以穿得多了点, 刚好公园里也因为没有什么人, 所以才得照了些相, 一般情况下公园里很少得照相, 人特多…

  8. 可惜那天天气阴沉沉的, 所以相片出来效果不好, 有阳光的话, 我相信会更春天:)

  9. 😀 😀 Hallieeee!! Your posts make my day! 🙂 This frog is REAL??? lol! Red Bear is a frog again!!! hahahah!!! 😀 Green looks good on him and I love his hair 🙂 So anyway, you look so stunning! All the other mommas would look at you open mouthed 😀 I so want these amazing greeen pants and omgosh, that’s one of the most gorgeous leather jackets I have ever seen!!!! 🙂 Ohhhh and the bag, the clogs and the sunnies are AWESOME!!! What a gorgeous bracelet, too! Well, I’m not sure it’s a bracelet… I guess it’s a bracelt-ish ring 😛 It’s sooooo pretty!! And you are pretty! 😀 I know that when I’ll meet you, I won’t take my eyes away from you (or maybe I’ll make an exception for my frogy bear :P)

  10. no no, those frogs are not real, they are in the park, if they are real, I bet all the kids in the park might get crazy!!! haha….I think all the kids wish they are real though:)
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Demy! and have fun during your studying..

  11. 前阵子眼睛里长了点东西,需要做个手术~~~~~你知道的啦,眼睛手术后总是有阵子不能看电脑不能看电视什么的~~~~~~我天天都惦记着上来看你啊~~~~~最近总算是能一天有半个小时用电脑啦~~~

  12. 啊? 要动手术这么严重? 那现在好了点没? 确实是需要节约眼神用电脑呢, 你还有这么点时间来看我, 太感动啦!!!^^XOX…

  13. comfortable !!!colorful for clear and cool weather,Hallie looks really nice .RB is like Hallie,always so lovely!!:p

  14. 呵呵, 我发现可能我比较适合穿颜色吧, 现在一穿起全身黑或灰的, 好象整个人都没有精神了….

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