Red Bear’s New Haircut and New Sandal

I agree, that’s a bad haircut by Mom, Bad Mom!!, Thanks God, they grows fast!!!

Girl in next table

“Air plane and girls, that’s his favorite things” Red Bear’s dad said

” They are all expensive.”  the girl’s dad said

Red Bear’s way to wear sandal, any different from yours?

Antique Jeeps outside the restaurant.

16 thoughts on “Red Bear’s New Haircut and New Sandal

  1. Awww!! Come on, it’s not that bad! It’s not bad at all! I actually think it’s really beautiful! Look how cute he looks! Even more than before! Oh yeeess, I do like how it turned out! You’re a good mom! A very good one! 😀 😀 And LOL at the fathers’ discussion hahaha, ‘They are all expensive’! SO true! 😀

    RB is sooooooooooooo cute and lovable!!!! Pipgy,pipgy(so cute)……with new hair cut and those little toes…..The most lovely there your have ,Hallie!!

  3. Hallie是不是在剪 RB头发的时候开小差了?是有点失水准哦………希望RB的头发长快点吧,哈哈。还有他的脚趾甲怎么被啃成这样?

  4. 对啊, 那天发挥有点失常, 哈哈, 准确的是本来下午剪了一次, 带他去公园玩发现还是长, 所以晚上在他洗澡的时候又剪了一次, 灯光不是很好, 所以…..
    RB不喜欢穿鞋子, 最近在家连袜子都不穿了, 我也很奇怪他的脚趾甲怎么长得那么不象话…哈哈,不过确实有时候也被我啃过^^

  5. lol…Thanks Joanne!!! your pipgy, pipgy, remind me, 1 little pipgy went to market, 1 little pipgy stay home….1 little pipgy….weee…weeeeee…weee on the way home….hahah…

  6. Oh? really? not bad? haha…if you look closely, you will know..:D
    the father’s discussion are really fun for sure, we all laughed at that moment, everybody there seemed have a great Friday night 🙂

  7. 这发型我觉得RB成熟了,更男孩子啦。刘海要是再短一点更好,男孩子是这样的。嘻。我还真的没试过自己帮YY理发。可能我动手的话,更不敢想象了,比Hallie剪得差很多了。Hallie是个时尚聪明手巧的妈妈呢。

  8. 唉,,,,卷卷们就别提了吧, 一去不复返喽!!!! 我已经死心了….呵呵, 现在就盼着RB的妹妹是卷卷毛吧^^

  9. 我这回剪的真够差劲的, 可是大家都这么支持我, 连RB老爸都说他喜欢这次剪发, 哈哈, 这下我就更大胆放心的干了!!! (只是RB老爸从不敢给我剪, 不管我怎么求, 哈哈)

  10. 哈哈, 好象是你第一个发现这个不同之处咧….你们再说我的手艺不错, 我以后就更大胆放心的充当RB的理发师了….

  11. RB可以穿这样的夹角凉鞋了吗?我也一直想给翰翰弄一双,可国内还没有看到有满意的,怕质量不好磨他的小肉脚,也怕他又跑又跳的会摔跤。

  12. 是有点磨脚, 所以如果是出去要走路长时间的话, 绝不能让他穿, 我其实买了是想等着去海滩玩穿的, 但是他一定要试上脚, 呵呵..

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