Spring’s Flower

Most of you have been asking me that why my hair can be straight or curl everyday, well…I used flat iron to straighten my hair, or I twist my hair as a bun during the sleep at night  so that I have curly hair like today. easy, right? Hope you have a great day/night!

Asos blazer

H&M wide leg jeans/striped long sleeve Tee

Dolce Vita pumps(old)

Vintage hat and bag

29 thoughts on “Spring’s Flower

  1. Hallie,you look pretty!!!Vintage,flares,this hat and the blazer,I love all pieces…
    Fantastic outfits!!!LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!! Yes,I did the same to my hair to get it curl,normally I have my hair straight and silky,but it make me tired with the same look,and one night I forgot to loosen the elastic off,the next day have my hair curl.I found that’s a good way to get a new look,so I did it when i want a curl hair of next day.LOL.I didn’t know you did the same,hehehe:P
    Well,I am so glad to read your blog before to go to sleep like usual :P.But tonight i am sad,cause my favorite football team FCB have lose the final match with 0:1.I know they played very well,but the rival played in a ugly way,a lot of fouls and ugly behavior,just feel shame to see this kind of football. I love FCB!!!They are the best football team in the world,i know this not last forever,but they show the world what is real football,art of football,the spirit of football….”More than a club”
    Well ,i am here brah,brah,brah…..
    Thanks to read my “comment “,,:P
    CHeer for Fashion,no suffering!

  2. 又见阔脚裤啦!我觉得这股70年代的风应该一直吹下去!嘻嘻。
    话说你这卷发的方法, 我觉得还是更适合你这种发多又长的, 我这种中长的发量又不多的就弄不出这效果了。 Hallie你千万不要剪短发, 我觉得你长发真的是好妩媚呢!我的这个破发质是无论如何无法留这么长的头发的。 只有羡慕的份了, 嘻嘻。

  3. 看到你们的衣着,应该天气凉快了一点吧。看到RB冲啊跑啊,就知道他有多开心,每天都生活得甜美的。Hallie今天也很美。那帽子又让我想到英国的淑女贵族吗?斯文大方又温柔得体的女性。喜欢那长发。

  4. Hallie,最近好吗?我终于回来了!不过稍作两周的休整就又要出发了!

  5. Hallie 🙂 Good morning! 😀 Soooooooooooooooooo prettyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! Love everything about this outfit (I know it’s getting tiring, but seriously everytime I LOVE everything! :D) The blazer is super awesome, the color, the fit, the shoulders! aaahhh! Heaven! 😀 I wish I could wear more blazers, but you know in my tiiinyy village if you wear a blazer everyone is looking at you just like you’re an alien!!! Jeez! Anyways, as I was saying, you have so amazing clothes! 😀 Beautiful beautiful! 🙂
    Aaaaaand RED BEAR!!!! Hellooo baby!! 😀 See? He’s wearing red, so he’s a really red bear! 😀 Cutie cutie! 😀 He’s the beeeeeeest kid! Ok maybe he’s the second best kid, but only because I am the first 😛 Just kidding 😛
    Gorgeous flowers as well! Here there are soooo many pretty flowers too! All these colors are super amazing! SPRING!!! 😀

    Have a nice day, Hallie! 😀

  6. lol…you are the first best kid, and Red Bear is the first best baby, is that fair now? lol…..
    Have a good night, Demy!

  7. 我当青年期是长青春痘的时期啊, 哈哈, 有的啊, 当时很浑圆, 还满脸是痘,,,痛苦不愖回首….. 🙁

  8. JIE你回来了真好!!你下次出差又去哪呀? 韩国吗? 我希望是哦^^

  9. 嗯嗯, 这两天稍稍有点凉, 不过穿短袖也没问题…看个人体质吧:)

    说到头发, SUE想到做什么发型了吗? 决心继续留长发了吗?

  10. 哈哈, 就是, 这风一直吹下去, 咱们这裤子就不会过时….
    我才也羡慕你的头发呢, 关键是齐刘海好看:)

  11. hehe…my dear Joanne, sorry for your favorite football team losing, me and my hubby had to go online and check about FCB, now we know why they are, hahah…
    I like to hear your brah, brah, brah, so interesting to know your life…please brah brah brah more more and more:))))

    no suffering, only fun~~~ same as in sport. 🙂

  12. 嗯,暂时还是长发吧。看哪一天冲动再去造个新发型咯。Hallie有想过什么新发型吗?会想过剪短吗?你这长发很美的。

  13. 还没想过呢, 呵呵, 估计也只是修修头发什么的, 我这头发够长, 平时做造型也容易^^

  14. Gorgeous look- I love the clean camel colors with the rich indigo hue of the jeans!
    Do you live in LA? I’m heading to SF and Vegas for a few days! I know that’s not exactly close but it’s West Coast! 😛


  15. 亲爱的, 谢谢来看我, 我最近很好, 小RB也逐渐好起来了, 你呢? 家人呢?

  16. Wow…Sam,,,you are really a travel bird recently, aren’t you? I remember you just came back from Koren, now SF and LV, you are right that LA, SF, LV all west coast, but LA to SF might drive 8 hours, and 4 hours to LV, so pretty far, I hope can meet you though:D

  17. 是去韩国的,过完5月1日出发,今年开始越来越忙,恢复工作一年后渐入佳境,不过翰翰很抵抗,他开始对我“胡搅蛮缠”了。总是和我商量,爸爸上班挣钱,妈妈在家陪翰翰。。。不过这小子一直不懂,他妈妈工作,挣钱是其次,最重要的是想重新认识自己哦。

  18. JIE你说完这番话, 也让我对你重新认识了, 加油加油!!! 我这两天也有朋友和我商量想一起做生意的事情, 我还在考虑要不要做呢. 不知怎的, 现在在家闲置惯了, 有点笨加懒了, 哈哈…

  19. 你说有朋友想找你一起做事?当然是好事!重新回到职场你会发现一个不一样的自己,特别是在家照顾很久宝宝后,你会发现很多“对付”宝宝的方法得到的经验,可以让你在职场与人处事或是处理问题更游刃有余,比20多岁的时候更淡定从容,不紧不慢。特别是你这么有能力有魅力,会比任何人更好的!

  20. 长发挺妩媚的,不过。。。换个假发套试试? 也特想看Hallie各种发型的感觉。

  21. 谢谢JIE的支持,不过这也还是看实际情况吧.就我目前的情况而言,估计要出来做事还是不太有时间的...

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