Easter Egg

Another Egg hunt last Easter weekend.  It was held at one of the airports near our house.  Fun + Airplane, for Red Bear, what more you can ask for ?

Free Hotdog

I told you that is a Air port, right? “Black cross is bad guy, star is good guy” Red Bear told me.

Egg, Egg, do you see them?

We have a mystery guest: Easter Bunny!

Those are real hard boiled eggs! Red Bear busy in discovering the egg, Mom busy in counting the eggs, “No more than 12 for each kid” they said:D

Somehow, Red Bear didn’t want to take a picture with the Easter Bunny.

Don’t ask why.  He didn’t want to take pictures with Mickey Mouse and Goofy at the Disneyland, either.

19 thoughts on “Easter Egg

  1. A funny day you have!!!!I really admire at you,have a good day.RB discovering,Mum counting,Papi snapping:D
    Here in Spain we didn’t have king’s weather in this week,it’s a big pity….but i’m glad to see you enjoyed the Easter.

  2. 好开心的节日哦。RB玩得很开心吧,有蛋有飞机,小白兔也很可爱呢。我也在想,要不也煮几个蛋让YY和他表弟一齐玩一下,哈,那蛋是熟蛋吗?那怎样吃得完啊?12个哦。哈。

  3. 好久没来看你了,HALLIE!我去过了2个礼拜与世隔绝的生活,现在“重返”了。你的空间里还是那样的热闹。

  4. Hallie!! Missed you yesterday 🙂 This is amazing! I have never participated in Egg Hunt! We do not have this thing here, but I wish we had it, because it’s so much fun! Red Bear seems to have an amazing time! hahahah!! I wouldn’t want to take pics with this Easter Bunny either! It’s so frightening… Look at it. The strange eyes, the big feet, the evil ears.. No, no. I do understand Red Bear!! hahahah! 😀 😀 He is so cute holding his basket though 🙂 Such a gentleman 😀
    I love the pic where you count the eggs and Red Bear is holding an egg! 😀 😀 You are both amazing!

  5. 哈哈, 看着RB看到彩蛋飞奔过去的样子好可爱呢!他一定玩得太兴奋啦!他不照相是不是因为害怕那种大卡通人吧?

  6. 做成LU蛋. 我一天吃两个:D 我也很奇怪RB为啥不喜欢卡通人物,(实际生活中的), 也许和他老妈一样, 比较胆小, 哈哈.

  7. hahah,,,I will tell Red Bear about your understanding. But seriously, would you like to take a picture with the bunny if you are here:D and if you would, I will let you talk to Red Bear, and try to explain to him that would be fun to play with bunny:D

  8. 谢谢COCO,虽然不知道你是什么原因2个礼拜"与世隔绝",但是现在很开心又见到你.希望生活一切如意与开心幸福哦!

  9. 哈哈,现在RB还是兴奋的, 不知道再过几年会不会还兴奋^^

  10. 呵呵, SUE如果感兴趣,也可以试着让YY玩玩, 不过这种西方人的节日不知道YY会不会喜欢.那12个蛋我做成LU蛋了,一天吃两个,嘻嘻.

  11. But I know Spain has some holiday we don’t…I always wish can visit Spain, that’s a beautiful country you are living in….I admire you for that!:D

  12. 回老妈家过了段不用手机,不用网络的生活,现在胖着回归了。哈哈!

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