Color Block and Stripe

Don’t you like the 2011 Spring stripe trend? I do!  With color blocking, stripes always grab my attention.  I just didn’t know when and what to start, but when this Asos striped dress came on sale for half price, I knew it’s time!  Guess what?!  I know this dress can last for a while and be very useful when I will be pregnant again! And another thing, normally I am a “big step” walking person, but I walk like a very old grandma when I put this dress on! 😀

“Mommy up” Red Bear Said

“Can you go get a flower to mommy?” I said

“This one?” Red Bear asked?

Mommy got flower on her hand:)

I told you, I change shoes when we are in the park:)

Asos Striped Dress

H&M Blazer(old)/Hat/Sunnies

Aldo Heels

28 thoughts on “Color Block and Stripe

  1. I have been waiting for this a long time ,Hallie.I love stripe,and i like to see ladies with maxi skirt,they always give me a romantic scene,and maxi skirt could make us look taller,lol.Stripe is essential in my closet.I just love those simple lines together:D
    I still can see tired on the face of RB ,poor boy.

  2. <3 <3 I see that Red Bear is gaining his lost energy! I really like his hair. I thought it had turned good from the first time I saw it, but now I like it even more! 😀 And he is so amazing! Such a cute boy! He always offers you flowers 😀 He is so… squeezable 😛

    Anywhooo, how come you weren't rocking stripes so long?? Hadn't noticed! (Well, of course I hadn't noticed. How could I? YOU are fashion, you wear the clothes, not the clothes you!) This dress is so pretty, kinda Jil Sander-ish, no? And hahah, you are right, it's appropriate for when you'll get pregnant to your daughter 😀 And the hat is niiiice, really cute! It looks great on you! 😀 You are amazing, Hallie, and SOOOOOOOO gorgeous! 😀

    Bye bye! 😀

  3. 这条裙子很Jill Sander, 又很Prada。原来秘密在这里, 你出门是穿一双再带一双鞋子的, 呵呵。 我还想来着呢, 要不你怎么能穿着那么高的鞋子在公园里和RB玩呢。
    我太喜欢RB在草地里玩的那几张了, 实在是太可爱啦!Big Kiss to Red Bear!!!

  4. 裙子好漂亮,颜色好喜欢呢。好长哦,要是有一天Hallie不喜欢长裙子或者想要改款式就可以剪短哦。Hallie有一张照片是长裙把脚都盖住的我怎么看有点象保玲球呢。哈。别生气哦。RB又出动采花送妈妈啦,真是乖孩子,RB身体好了没?

  5. Hallie穿这横纹的裙子好嫩呢!RB似乎非常喜欢草地,看他自己能玩得那么开心,真想咬一口哦,呵呵。

  6. 条纹裙很漂亮。我也喜欢长款的裙子,明天出门的时候就穿一条粉色花朵的,哈哈!

  7. 姐姐你今天的眼睛是有点肿吗,隔着墨镜看觉得是。昨晚没睡好吗?我这两天倒是因为感冒鼻子不通所以没怎么睡好!难受啊!

  8. 其实我的眼睛很多情况下都是肿的, 特别是这段时间宝宝生病, 晚上都睡不好.再加上西瓜季节开始了, 呵呵,,,早上起来后眼睛都是肿的…

  9. 哇, 粉色花朵 的长裙!!! 听着我就想要一条, 我现在就想找条大花朵的长裙呢, 上次叫我妹妹寄一条旧的过来, 谁知道又因为妹妹也寄了笔被退了回去, 汗…

  10. RB好多啦! 谢谢看看关心!!! 😀

    一般长裙长裤加高跟鞋, 都是会显得人高挑的嘛^^

  11. 我也觉得RB那几张草地照特别可爱….有时候他是很想让人咬的:D

  12. 呵呵, 我也是这么想的, 哪天不喜欢这长度了, 就剪短, 下半截可以再做成一条短裙或围巾啥的, 呵呵…

    象保龄球的说法我喜欢, 因为比较可爱, 而且这说法比较形象^^

    RB身体好了!!! 就是好象也生病了好长时间…都差不多有一个星期.

  13. 呵呵, 带鞋子这事也不是什么秘密啦, 下次你出去照相也可以这么做的呀:D
    RB在草地玩的那几张是很可爱, 他当时在玩前空翻^^

  14. 哈哈,,,好吧, 哪天RB上学了, 要上台表演啥的, 我就也穿这裙子去…去助兴:D

  15. RB is squeezable and kissable!!! Demy you really like squeeze something, aren’t you:D, I feel so sorry about those toys on your bed…lol..
    I like stripes, I just havn’t play stripe + color block together:D…

    It’s your night there, with you have a great night tonight and good dream!

  16. Thanks Joanne! I wish someday I can see your pictures with striped maxi skirt:D
    RB is getting better day by day:D thank you for asking

  17. 呵。我写错字啦,手误呢。其实我觉得也象毛毛虫呢。要是横着(睡着吧)在草地上,那就太神像啦。哈。是我想象丰富了点吧?Hallie也太可爱了。。

  18. ah you got the ASOS striped egg dress! I love the graphic simplicity of it! It’s a real zinger for spring’summer and it looks lovely on you with those heels
    Ps. I’m in SF right now and it’s quite chilly!!


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