Different Language

Are you curious why Red Bear’s face expression like that?

He was in the park met some new friends, but they talked to him in Spanish, that’s why. 🙂

“Are you China(Chinese)?” Red Bear asked at the end.(In his mind, China is the only foreign country and has different language) .

Red Bear run to me and told me “I love you”, when I was sitting there.

Vintage Blouse

H&M Pants

Jessica Simpson Heels

Gucci Bag

Asos Sunnies

18 thoughts on “Different Language

  1. hahahhaha, Red Bear cracks me up! 😀 😀 He looks REALLY confused in the first two pics hahahah! It’s just like cartoons… I can easily imagine a bubble (you know, the ‘clouds’ that are above cartoons when they’re confused or hungry :P) with China in it 😀 😀 Such a cutie! Blue suits him 🙂 And I really think that you should always cut his hair yourself. I love it as it grows back, your hands have magical powers 😀

    AaAaAanyway, I was expecting to see you styling pallazo pants! They are so pretty, the color is amazing (brown-ish caramel camel??? :O) And the top is freaking gorgeous, just like you! 😀 😀 Always perfect from haid to toenails 😀

    Btw, your place seems to be awesome! Is it like a big town or more like a village??

    Bye bye! 😀

  2. 哈。。我在想,要是我们跟他说广东话,RB应该更听不懂吧。Hallie要是说中文也只会说国语吧,那还有Hallie的家乡话吗?看来中文RB还得学三种哦。还有其他国家的语言,会把RB搞晕吗?哈。让我想起现在说到金宝贝上早教的朋友们,在小孩很小的时候就上,可以中英文学习。看来我家YY还是会落后人家咯。我得尽自己的能力给他恶补一下,嘻。Hallie的搭配适合上班呢。OL风格。。

  3. 哈哈, 好可爱的RB。我觉得你应该教他点中文的,现在外国人好多都在学中文, 何况他是半个中国人, 我觉得以后会中文也会对他的将来好的。

  4. 今天翰翰在我办公室,看到RB的照片,说这个小孩和我一样有鸭鸭,一起洗澡。也有挖土机,也有漂亮妈妈。

  5. 哇!穿阔腿裤很气质啊!衬衣很漂亮!

  6. 我要说的别人都说了,要教RB说中文了,现在很流行.而且以后也是趋势..我的客户来都说现在学中文最时尚最贵…

  7. 啊?有这种说法?我还没听说呢,呵呵,RB主要是对说中文很抵触,每次我和他说中文,他都说NO!让我很头疼.

  8. 其实穿阔腿裤我还是很不习惯,不知道怎的.

  9. 哈哈,听到你描述的这段对话真的是活灵活现,太好玩了!

  10. 别提啦,一和他说中文,他就NO!只有心情好的时候,教他几个单词,也不知道他是不是记得住...以后送中文学校得了.

  11. 广东话就肯定听不懂了,哈哈!西班牙语他倒是比我强.说真的,对于教育RB我有一点点放纵他,觉得现在还是让他尽情玩个够.学习的事情我觉得还可以再等等.

  12. from haid to toenails? no way! I have ugly toenails, and Red Bear too! lol…remember if you ever have a chance to kiss Red Bear, don’t kiss his feet, ok? hahah…..
    My place? it’s Los Angeles, it’s 2nd biggest city in USA. But because most of my pictures talking in the park, so it may look like a village here. 😀

  13. HIT !!!!!
    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!jajjajaja
    No words to describe how beautiful you are!!!!!

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