So You Think You Can Dance

It’s so happy to see Red Bear jumping and dancing again after the 24 hour flu.

21 thoughts on “So You Think You Can Dance

  1. 可怜天下父母心.太理解HALLIE了…看到孩子健康快乐比什么都开心..

  2. hehehehehe! 😀 😀 So cute! He is great 😀 And, like always, he is unstoppable hahahha, always moving 😀
    This flu is really awful, my dad has it now and I really hope I don’t come down with it as well 🙁 Anyway, good thing is that our Red Bear is safe and sound once again 😀

  3. 哗,不止你看到开心,我看到RB蹦蹦跳跳的样子也开心哦,而且真的象在我面前跳着笑着呢。哈,照片效果好哦。祝愿小朋友们健康快乐地成长。

  4. 还是那么结结实实壮壮的!一点都不像从病中刚恢复的,这背后妈妈最辛苦了。

  5. 辛苦是很辛苦,有时候我都发脾气了,我老公还说宝宝没有错,他也很辛苦,我说我发脾气是气的这病,不是人,,,因为这病真的很烦人.大家都辛苦...JIE应该也很有体会吧.

  6. 是啊,祝愿小朋友们都健康快长!(也不要太快了,这样我们也老得快,呵呵)

  7. oh, no, I am so sorry about your dad catch this flu too, in fact, my hubby had the flu too after Red Bear, but he got well in 24 hours, pretty lucky. So I hope your dad can get well very very soon:) and you take care of yourself please. 🙂

  8. RB终于康复了,希望他天天开心,想起女儿一岁多时得秋季腹泻,一个星期都在住院,大夫打针时心里真是心疼啊!

  9. you know,” So you think you can dance “is one of the TV show for dancing contest here, and I like to watch:D

  10. 当父母的都这样吧, 孩子们是身上疼, 父母是心在痛….深同感切…

  11. Yea…I have downloaded the show to my computer,jejejje,cause I love to watch it too.I love to see people dance,it make me full of vitality.

  12. 是的,我很理解你。因为要保持绝对干净,正常情况下都很难做到,更何况你这头刚洗好,宝宝这边突然又吐了一身或者拉了一裤子。但他也没办法呀,那时候翰翰还小,基本只会叫妈妈,看着他拉的满脸通红,两条小腿不安的踱来踱去,我是心疼死了,心里狠狠的骂了这个病千万次,等老公回来后就把生气全发泄给他,反正他能理解。其实宝宝知道妈妈很累很辛苦的,所以后来翰翰吐了或者拉了都不敢哼唧了,他看到妈妈一直在忙的。
    相信RB 心里也特别明白妈妈很辛苦很心疼他。

  13. JIE说的每句都是我在这里发生的,很开心的是,现在孩子们又健康开心起来,当父母的就也宽心了:)

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