Casual Friday

Have you had a moment like that?  In the morning, before you leave the door, you face a full closet and you don’t know what to wear. You want to wear something GOOD, but you just can’t decide.  So you grab a pair of jeans and a cardigan, and say to yourself, “Let’s do a casual look!” That’s what I called today’s outfits. hehe…

Red Bear Gifted me a dead tree root today…errrrrrr…Thank you very much!

Levi’s Boyfriend 501 jeans

Modcloth cardigan

Tank from Target

Warehouse Bag

Asos sunglasses and shoes

H&M Necklace

18 thoughts on “Casual Friday

  1. 今天坐沙发,好久没有留言了,但是却一直关注着哈莉,喜欢你的每一条牛仔裤,是不是哈莉的牛仔裤都是那种很贵的,看起来都好有范~

  2. 还有忘了说了,哈莉昨天有没有关注威廉王子和凯特的婚礼,好幸福的一对新人呀,看得我都快哭了

  3. Hallie, hi! Missed you! Sorry I’m late on commenting, but I’m having a few problems right now. Anyways, it doesn’t matter 🙂

    You look gorgeous! This outfit is amazing, I wish I came up with outfits like that, when I go through these casual phases 😀 But I usually end up wearing my sweats 😛
    Your hair looks awesome in braid! You know, you could also try the fishtail braid, because you have long hair and it would suit you! I learned how to make it a few weeks ago thanks to Youtube tutorials, but it doesn’t really suit me, because my hair’s short… Anyway, I think that you’re impeccable, like every time 🙂 And LOL Red Bear is so so so funny! A dead tree root?? hahahahhaha!!! 😀

    Bye bye, Hallie 😀

  4. 这一身很柔和,看上去很舒服很自然。我脑中突然浮现出了黄瓜,鼻子也似乎闻到了黄瓜那清新的味道。

  5. 哈哈,你当时不是在用黄瓜面膜吧, 开玩笑.
    确实是, 一想起黄瓜, 就是很清新的感觉, 再加个薄荷吧^^

  6. Poor Demy, what’s your problem right now? sorry to hear that you have few problems. I know everything will be fine, right?
    Fishtail braid? now I have to go to youtube and look for it, lol…I always like to work on my hair, when I was a little girl, I did it to my doll, then to myself.:)
    Have you ever think of to keep your hair longer? you have gorgeous hair!

  7. haha,,,really? all the famous bloggers are here? wanna move to here then? then I will be very happy!:D

  8. 我看录像和新闻了….呵呵….多么令人难忘的婚礼, 祝幸福的人永远幸福下去!

  9. 我的牛仔裤并不是都是贵的啊.这么说吧, 在这里美国, 对我而言, 属于贵的牛仔裤是$150以上, 我买的要不就是打折的时候买的, 要不就是属于仓储销售的, outlet店的, 20-80美金的都有. 🙂

  10. 这一身也很青春啊!黄色开衫很亮丽!我也超喜欢穿牛仔裤!

  11. Hallie:你好啊!五一我们休了三天去了周边去漂流了,早上一上班赶紧的把前几天的博客看了又看,喜欢你这套的穿着来的,很随兴,你说的困扰我隔几天就会有,往往上班时间快到还没主意穿什么来的,真是又着急又生气。衣服很多在另外一方面来说是有那么一点困扰来的,有时就站在衣柜前看了又看还是没有主意来的,但是还是挺乐意的就是了,哈哈。另外得特别的说下,小RB的皮带好酷啊,真有范儿!!!

  12. 呵呵,怪不得我这几天觉得怎么这么冷清呢,原来大家都过节去了.

  13. 噢,超喜欢!!

  14. 呵呵, 对啊, 那天在衣柜前站了大半天, 弄来弄去的,也算是”精心”了吧…^^

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