Mission San Fernando Rey de España

We took a short trip to the Mission San Fernando Rey de España yesterday. (One of the oldest churches in California.) The San Fernando Mission was founded on September 8, 1797, and named for Saint Ferdinand III, King of Spain in the 1200s.

It’s a very big church.  There was a wedding ceremony going on inside the church when we were there. And there’s a beautiful garden located cross the street.

Got a chance to talk to Father Frank, he is such a NICE guy.

He introduced his dog Mike to Red Bear, and said he will give us a personal tour next time we go there.

 Zara Butterfly Top/Skirt/Bag

Chanel Sunglasses

Terra Plana pumps

28 thoughts on “Mission San Fernando Rey de España

  1. love that skirt of yours and the shoes too…
    will make sure to visit this church on my visit to california:)
    oh and red bear looks as cute as ever!

  2. Thank You Shasie for your nice suggestion, I am in hypeed already:D

  3.  对!呵呵,一家人都健健康康的开开心心的做了一次小旅行,感觉很好^^

  4. 呵呵,也是得看衣服的剪裁/颜色/图案的...^^

  5. You‘re amazing pretty,sweet,elegant!!!!!!!! So many beautiful pictures of you just make my mouth open.LOVE IT!!!!!You know?I ‘d like to wear somrthing like you,but i usually go to school by subway,so it’s better for me wear jeans,jejeje.
    San Fernando!!jejeje,learn more from you!Gracias:D

  6. 在ZARA见到这款蝴蝶衫了,裙子是棉布的吧?看起来很舒服,这一身好妖娆啊!

  7. 裙子是棉麻的,所以穿穿了就有些皱..

  8. 看到你的了,很漂亮呢!还真的是撞衫撞时呢,呵呵...

  9. Then how about wear skirt at the weekend? or choose this kind of below the knee skirt mix with sneakers, if I ever go to school again, I will try that:) maybe one day, go to Red Bear’s school with him…hahah…

  10. That’s a good idea,I’ll try it,jajaja.Well ,I have to buy more Skirt mix.Anyway,thoese days here in Barcelona don’t have windless weather,sometimes have rainstorm,sotimes very windy…..ennnn.
    Anyway,you have give me a very good idea.Thank you!:D

  11. 好喜欢这一身,有春的味道也要夏的热烈。起风时吹起了HALLIE的头发,看图片都能感觉到惬意。

  12. Wear a legging or shorts under the skirt in the very windy day:)) just another suggestion:D

    But still, wear something fits you, that’s the most important thing:)

  13. Hallieee, I missed you SO much! I’m sorry I disappeared these last few days 🙁 I was too busy and I didn’t even turn on my laptop 🙁
    Anyway, you look so gorgeous! I always forget how beautiful you are (that’s a lie! nobody forgets how pretty you are :D) And the outfit, OMGOSH, I’m not saying a single thing, the pictures talk for themselves! WOW! Just a big, huge WOW! And your smile is oh so stunning! You should smile more, you have amazing teeth! 😀

    I missed Red Bear too! He looks so awesome! Look at him, SO cute! And this place is nice, serene and calm! Oh and the dog Mike is…hairy! 😀 😀

  14. Demy!!!!!!! I missed you SSSSssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooo Much too!!! I was wondering what were happening your there! Thanks God, you are here again:))
    many kissesss to you from me and Red Bear,,,and more and more,,,since we havn’t seen you for long time!!!:D

  15. I love this look. And especially love the Chanel sunglasses 🙂


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