
After several days colorful (I mean very colorful 🙂 outfits, I tell myself I need a break of the color, and I really want to do a natural look.

This H&M dress I bought few weeks ago, that was the only one in the store, I assumed that’s a returned item, I didn’t care that much since I really like it.  Last week, when I  saw it in the PeopleStyleWatch Magazine May issue, I knew I made a right decision:). I don’t go shopping very often, so once I like something in a reasonable price, I just buy it.

I used to play sport alot, so I have athletes arms, most of time I don’t feel comfortable to wear sleeveless dress and top, that’s why you see me wear cardigan or a sheer shirt often like today,  to cover my arms, and another way, to define and lift my waist line.

“The air planes crashed” Red Bear said:)

H&M Dress/Gold Cuff

American Apparel Sheer Shirt

Forever21 Hat

Zara Sunglasses

Cynthia Vincent for Target wedges

Necklace used as another dress’s belt

31 thoughts on “Natural

  1. 好喜欢这条长裙哦。又是蛋糕层层的感觉。这个色系很清新舒服哦。Hallie显得更高挑。还配草帽子,田园景色般的。去度假不错。RB拿了两架飞机哦。是不是每天上街都要带着玩具哦?看来这样他会专心玩自己的玩具,我也要让YY带上,别让他到处跑啊。

  2. 太美了,我已经词穷了,自从看了你的博客,开始喜欢长裙了。今年也入手了好几件,手臂和你有一样的困扰来的,是生了小孩以后才变粗的,外面那件衬衫也是雪纺的材质吗?粉好看啊!!!那件长裙美的没话说了!!!Hallie,你太棒了!!!!

  3. 我们这边的HM就没有这条长裙,这个墨镜我们这边ZARA只有黑色,晕!

  4. RB好神气哦!真可爱!我开始想念翰翰了。。。。

  5. hi,我是在苏格兰的may,我想请你帮个忙,能否帮我查一下香包(A01112)红色,在美国是不是有货,我在英国找遍了,也没有。如果能帮忙,我将万分的感谢。

  6. I’ve seen this dress on so many girls in HK and I absolutely adore it. Perhaps you can style it with an oversized scarf/shawl with chunky jewelry as an alternative? I don’t think you have anything to be afraid of with your arms! You know we’re looking at your lovely style hence your Chictopia front page feature 😉


  7. yes, I saw this dress in so many fashion bloggers too. it is really a nice dress and very comfortable too:)
    talking about dress, have I ever see you wear a one piece dress? maybe not…;)

  8. 😀 Hello! Well, it doesn’t really matter what you wear, because you look perfect in everything! BUT it’s god to see neutrals on you. I mean I adore your colorful outfits, but I too adore the neutrals and I have missed them 🙂 The dress is beautiful, gorgeous find! 😀 And you DO rock it! Love everything about you! In a not creepy way hahahhaha! 😀 I don’t think that your shoulders are ugly or anything.. You shouldn’t hide them 🙂 You have a gorgeous body and I sure would kill to have it 😛 Red Bear is so cute too 🙂 I have him in my heart! Such a cute baby, making my day! 😀

  9. 怎么? 你又出差了吗? 翰翰不在身边? 其实有时候我还在想, 我这个当妈的, 24小时都不离开RB, 有时候会觉得有点烦,,,,因为挺怀念一个人东逛西晃的时候, 现在上哪都拖着个宝,,,觉得人家当保姆的都有个星期天呢, 我怎么好象边假期都没有了, 呵呵 …

  10. 这个墨镜黑色的也好看呀!!! 呵呵…. H&M的一些货不是所有H&M店都有的..我家附近的H&M店都没有一些特别好的, 所以一般都是看有人退货, 我才捡…晕!

  11. 外面衬衫是什么材质我还真搞不太懂, 回头我看看标签去啊, 呵呵, 反正就是很透明很凉快的那种…
    支持MAY穿长裙呀! 什么时候传几张相片让我看看你穿长裙的样子?:)

  12. IVY说到度假, 我真的很想去度假了呢, 离上次度假都很长时间了, 正和老公商量计划呢…

  13. 对啊, RB每次出门都带上一堆玩具, 这样在路上遇到别的小朋友, 他就可以和人家介绍玩具, 交新朋友, 一起玩了哦:) SUE也可以让YY这么做的, 让他们懂得向别人分享自己的东西..增长社交经验.

  14. 漂亮, 很飘逸很有度假的感觉!
    可能是我们这边比较冷夏天短的的原因,所以这种裙子卖的并不快, 上周我去店里还看到有很多件这裙子呢。好处就是能买得到, 但是坏处就是买了不少, 但是穿的机会少。

  15. 奇怪了,我们这两边的卖货情况还真的大不相同呢, 就象你上次说的我的ZARA的围巾,你说你那边没有了,最后的一条还被一MM抢走了.前两天我转ZARA, 我们这还有七八条, 估计到时候到SALE的时候又是半价啥的了.晕.

  16. 好美的感觉,这套

  17. 甜言蜜语就别说了,每次来跟我问声好我就很开心了:)

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