Lobster and Steak

Last night, we decided to put our Mother’s day dinner ahead, so together with Red Bear’s Grandpa, we went to steakhouse—Outback, I ordered their special dinner offer: Lobster and steak, Yummy!

You know, this dinner I sucked in about 1100 calories, I don’t remember when was my last time ate so much, but didn’t feel guilty at all, “Happy Mother’s Day”, I told myself. 🙂

It’s Mother’s day for me that day, so I want to do a “mother” look, midi dress and a black blazer never go wrong, adding the chunky heels shoes and  feather necklace to make this basic outfit funky and stylish:)

lobster, steak with their famous food– bake sweet potato.

Thrfited Dress

BDG blazer

Jeffrey Campbell Lita

Chanel Bag

H&M sunglasses

Forever21 Feather necklace

25 thoughts on “Lobster and Steak

  1. Your ‘mother’ look is so pretty! I love the color combo and the necklace is the perfect accessory to NOT make this look boring 🙂 Really chic and stylish 🙂 Perfect! And jeez! I’m wating 1000 calories everyday for sure lol! hahhahaa! Yes, I confess, I LOVE food, but I love sweets more, so I’m constantly eating :S You have a perfect body though 🙂 So beautiful! You two are the perfect mother-son couple 😀

  2. Lobster and steak…ennnnnnnn,yummy!I love cate!!!!!Today I have ate a big plate of mutton chop and more food,sure i have won more than 2000 calories:D,This oufits gives me a very good idea for the family’s day,hehe.

  3. haha,,,I love food too, I have snack almost everytime! 🙂 so I try not to buy too many food home, then when I want to eat something, only fruits in the refrigerator. Gosh, talking about food, now I feel hungry again, lol..

  4. I wish can see your family’s day outfits:) how will you spend that day? tell me next time pls…:D

  5. 母亲节快乐哦。。昨天我们一家人,哦,应该是几家人一起到森林公园去烧烤,玩上一整天,很开心呢。吃得饱饱的,晒得好黑,不过很少这样的聚会,很不错,因为我们都长大了,聚会什么的都由我们安排,父母辈就等着吃和玩,是累但一家人开心就好。Hallie真的好端庄哦。好妈妈形象,RB好帅哦。

  6. Haliie真是美呢 遇到美食先想着犒劳自己啦 那么美味的美食怎么能错过呢 呵呵呵呵

  7. 好幸福的母亲节对不对?好喜欢这一身啊,摩登妈妈!

  8. 好象我每天都有那么多卡路里呢, 唉, 内疚ING….怪不得HALLIE越来越苗条了, 要象你学习啊, 呵呵…

  9. 呵呵,以后我去开家长会,就这么穿,就是不知道别的妈妈会不会看得惯这鞋子哦.哈哈

  10. 哈哈,看到这相片就馋了,其实看这相片的时候我还在想,怎么也不弄好看点,这卖相一点都不好看,哈哈.

  11. 哈哈,我这里主要是没有条件啊,这边吃的真的比不上国内呀,呵呵...

  12. 深紫色的趾油?我在这里联想篇篇了,嘻嘻...看看白,其实涂啥都好看的.

  13. 哈哈,就是啊,一般面对美食的时候都在想,先吃,明天再减!

  14. 好怀念去公园烧烤的日子哦,想起来就闻到那烧烤的香味...

  15. really? I am looking forward to see how will you style the feathers:)

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