
After the Jewelry Event last night, we went to One of the Famous Mexican Food Restaurant—Antonio’s for dinner.

Antonio’s has been around since 1970, it’s been a regular spot for scores of locals and stars, from Frank Sinatra to Jennifer Lopez. The cuisine takes cues from all over Mexico.

Garlic and butter Sauce Shrimp for me, I still can’t believe I finished all at the end, I was full after half meal, but it just too delicious and I just can’t wait to finish all.

Vegetarian Meal for my hubby and Red Bear, I forgot what’s the meal call, that was bean/rice/spinach mixed, Yummy too!

The Bodega Room is available for private parties up to 20 people.

Recognize anybody?

For being a very cute customer, Red Bear got 2 balloons!

7 thoughts on “Antonio’s

  1. Amazing pics! This restaurant is awesome! What a great place and the food seems to be reeeeeeeaaaaally delicious (although I’m not sure I would try the vegetarian meal.. :P) See? Everybody is charmed from Red Bear! He is such a cutie! 😀 I’m sure that wherever you go, people give him balloons and sweets and everything! 😀 <3 <3

  2. 很美味的样子哦,流口水啦。。RB在哪里都是受欢迎的,可爱的。哈。我看Hallie吃得还是很少吧,就一道菜就饱啦。我们一家人去吃饭都是几大盘的,然后每盘都吃上了,那才叫多和饱哦。Hallie吃了那么多还要减肥吗?

  3. 很棒的一家餐厅!环境也很独特!你们一家大快朵颐的情景,肯定很过瘾吧?

  4. 其实有RB在旁边, 很少能有机会尽情享受美食的, 一般是得分心控制他, 一边再虎口狼呑的, 汗,,,这日子啥时是个头哦! 哈哈…

  5. 哈哈, 其实我也很奇怪, 因为以前在国内的时候吃几大盘都没叫饱的, 现在一下下就饱了, 或者是中国的菜式调料比较少, 国外的大部分菜式用调料较多, 味道重, 多汁,,,
    减肥是当然的, 那是长年大计, 一刻都停不下来…哈哈, 因为一直都喜欢美食…

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