Yosemite, We Are Coming!

My dear friends, we are leaving for Yosemite now, so exciting, see you in few days! I am sure will bring tons of pictures back.

I hope you have a great day there!


10 thoughts on “Yosemite, We Are Coming!

  1. Hallie ,have a good time there, missing you & RB every day …I hope I will have a short trip later with my family…

  2. Awww this is great! I’m really jealous that you’re going to this beautiful heaven while I’m drowned in piles of homework hahah!! 😛 😀 I’m so excited to see pictures though! It’s a dreamy place! Have an unforgettable time over there! 😀 😀 Bye bye!

  3. Thanks Sue! thank you so much!:)

    Me and Red Bear miss you and YY too:)

    Wish you can take some times to get away soon:D

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