We Have Love In Everyday

We have love in everyday, but we forgot our Wedding Anniversary, haha….until yesterday, the secretary in Bob’s office reminded Bob, how could we both forgot?

Anyway, we are still happy, and still in love, nothing going to change, and we are going to celebrate it tonight. ^^

About the outfits yesterday, the jacket is from H&M, the dress is from American Rag, and the Shoes is from Zara, everything are old, but once a while, I like to bring all the old stuff and play re-mix game.

What would you call this outfits? Print clash? or print block?

H&M Jacket

American Rag dress

Gap Belt

Zara Heels

Vintage scarf/clutch/earring

Sunglasses and bracelet from Target

35 thoughts on “We Have Love In Everyday

  1. 裙子很有民族感哦~~~~~不知道感觉对不对,有点印第安风格~~~~

  2. Awww Happy Wedding Anniversary!! I wish you and your family all the best (and a new baby! :D)! Well, I guess that you forgot because you’re so much in love that every day is like your wedding anniversary 🙂
    The outfit is amazing, really amazing! One of my very very favorites! Print block, you got that right! 😀 😀 All the pieces look perfect together and the colors suit you so greatly 🙂 No wonder that your hubby is so much in love with you 🙂 You have the gift to be attractive to all the people you meet, I’m sure about that 🙂

  3. My dear Demy, you are so sweet! I know why so many people like to read your comments and like to be friend with you. You always say something to make people feel great, and always be a happy and sweet girl there! Looked at all the comment in your last post in Chictopia, your leaving made so many your friends there tearing…
    I am sure you have the gift to be attractive to all the people you meet too!
    Love and kiss….:D

  4. 感觉很对呀, 呵呵, 是印第安图案的...^^
    亲爱的眼睛全好了吗? 现在上网还有限制吗?

  5. hahhaa…happy anniversary! you look fab and as long as you both love each other,forgetting the day shouldn’t be that big a deal rite..:) wish you lots of happiness.

  6. 呵呵,你们幸福得连纪念日都忘了?喜欢这个图案,很民族!RB在不远的地方走。

  7. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things if you forgot your wedding anniversary as long as you and your husband are in love! And I love the tribal print on that american rag dress.

    Wishing you both the best!


  8. 对极了, 天天都有爱哪里会记得这些纪念日啊? 祝HALLIE永远都那么快乐幸福哦.
    这套颜色好和谐啊, 喜欢…

  9. 昨晚睡前才一口氣看了你幾篇update, 一早起來又有了!!! 真是高效率呀哈哈
    這樣的日子才過得有意義, 不用刻意去記念什麼日子, 只要每天記得愛著對方
    祝你們週年快樂!! 永遠幸福

  10. That’s right! Every day is like an anniversary or honeymoon for us! All my love, Bob

  11. 真幸福!每天都那么爱着对方!

  12. 祝贺你们呀~ 希望你们一直幸福下去,还有就是你的scarf好漂亮喔~ <3

  13. Happy anniversery! hope ull have longggggggggg happy life together;)
    The dress is just amazing w ethnic print on it.. Orange hues will be big next summer colour trends, uve already around there! + I loved the combination, i find u style cool especially while u r using prints on prints!
    As photo shot n pose, 1st is just awesome!

  14. 你也是5月新娘?我的结婚纪念日快到了,哈。而且那一天还是另一个纪念日,Hallie猜到吗?通常LG都会忘记,只有我提醒他咯,不过也没别的庆祝的,只要开心地一齐过就幸福了。又是成熟的搭配,还带点调皮。。那艳丽的裙子。

  15. 纪念日快乐!祝你们永远幸福快乐!别忘了RB的生日就好了,呵呵~~~

  16. RB的生日是肯定不会忘的啦, 还已经想好买什么东西了呢.嘻嘻...RB肯定会喜欢得不得了..

  17. 哦?难道SUE的生日也在5月?昨天我还和老公说五月的节日还真是多, 母亲节,结婚纪念日, RB生日,RB爷爷生日,月底还是个全国性的节假日,呵呵...

  18. 其实缺点谁都有的, 所以除了爱, 婚姻中所需要的很重要的一项就是容忍,包容...

  19. 谢谢亲爱的, 也祝你早日摆脱困挠,早日找到"真命天子",我相信,你也一定会幸福的:)

  20. 不是幸福得忘了, 是糊涂了, 哈哈!!因为我们都忙着在筹备RB和他爷爷的生日,就在这个月,只差一天:)

  21. You got the point, my dear friend!

    Thank you so much for your best wishes.


  22. 又反复了一下~~所以前阵子又没能上来每天看你啦~~~不过现在每天越来越多美女来哦~这里这么热闹~真为你高兴啊~~~~~你每天都比前一天更美一些~~~~~

  23. 很帅气,祝贺你们纪念日快乐,相互携手走好每一个甜蜜的日子。有爱,每一天都是七彩的。昨个是俺的昏念日,出差外地的老公一大早发来短信,等回来再庆贺下,那一瞬有着感动的幸福。

  24. 亲爱的, 也祝你的”昏念日”快乐哦!, 话说这昏念日你是故意打错的吧? 是说当初一时犯昏结的婚? 哈哈,,,我乱猜的啊 ….

  25. 可是我还是经常会想念那个经常盯着沙发给我第一个留言的小财迷:)

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