The Birthday Cake

Happy Birthday to John (Red Bear’s Grandpa), and Johnny(Red Bear’s real name)!

Who got to choose the pattern of the cake? Its a dinosaur—-Red Bear!

Who got to choose the favor of the cake? It’s chocolate. —-Red Bear’s Daddy!!

Thank you to both of you! Red Bear’s Mommy doesn’t interested in Dinosaur either chocolate!!!:D

24 thoughts on “The Birthday Cake

  1. Happy birthday to big John and Little Johnny!!!!!!
    So cute,the family you have!:P

  2. Happy Birthday to RB & John..Have a good day .Cake .I want to eat …and YY too…

  3. 其实这家店可选图案并不多, 想选个飞机火车图案的都没有, 都是些什么小孩推车呀, 美国国旗, 小丑呀什么的, 所以最后RB就选了这个恐龙的, 呵呵..

  4. 其实我一开始起名的时候不太乐意的, 觉得JOHN这名字太大众, 但是RB爸爸说和RB爷爷同名, 也没有什么不好, 美国这边的人都特别讲究这个…说是以后还不喜欢再改名也容易, 再说了, 现在也没有喊RB叫JOHN:)

  5. 呀,RB提前过生日了。可是我还是等到RB真正生日那天再祝福他,嘻嘻^^

  6. 别提了, 他的生日礼物我们还没建好呢, 好耗时间的, 我们这一周估计就耗在这上面了.

  7. 😀 😀 AAAA!!! Happy Birthday to both Johnieeees!! 😀 😀 This is incredible! WOW! I’m so happy about my little angel! He is becoming…4?? or 3?? And jeez, his real name is Johny?? I got so used in calling him Red Bear that I forgot that he DOES have a real name LOL! 😀 He is a cutie, the cutest child on Earth <3 And the cake looks so delicious! I'm interested both in dinosaurs and chocolate so YES PLEASE! 😀 😀
    You have an awesome family, Hallie! I wish you all a very happy life 😀 <3

  8. hahah,,,,yes, recently we have been working on teach Red Bear his real name, just in case he is lost and the police can find out what’s his real name and bring him back home, lol…anyway, just a joke…When we give him the Red Bear nick name, some friends said better not to do that, the kids in the school might laugh at him for that, we been talking start calling him Johnny, but we always turn out calling him Red Bear instead, I think that’s cuter though:)

    I wish you have a super happy life too, Demy! you have so much to looking forward!

  9. RB 的爷爷看起来真的是好慈祥,还没见过RB的老爸呢,背影后面的估计是奶奶吧,很喜欢全家这样其乐融融的样子

  10. 呵呵,是一个大众的名字,不过你相信吗?翰翰的这个英文名是他姥姥起的,我妈那天不知怎的突然就冒出来一句:JOHN,给翰翰起个英文名吧,叫JOHN。。。于是就一直这样叫下来咯

  11. 知道了, 呵呵, 我们当初给RB起名字的时候也是, 想了一堆 , 结果他爸爸就喜欢JOHN, 说RB爷爷是好爷爷, 要跟爷爷名, 说是我以后还不喜欢, 再改也不迟:)

  12. 不是奶奶, 是爷爷的女朋友, 爷爷这年龄, 估计是不会再考虑婚姻大事了, 哈哈…

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