
What did I wear yesterday under the cardigan? Is that a lingerie? Bingo!

Yesterday I found out some old lingerie and I haven’t been wear long time, I know why, after Red Bear, I don’t wear this kind of lingerie anymore, now I like to wear Micky tee and Minnie shirt as house-wear more, heheh…

When I picked up this red + lace lingerie, I thought of to wear it as a tank , do you like the result?

If you ever have a chance to meet Red Bear in person these days, please go ask him “what time is it?” . He likes so much to wear this watch now, even in his sleep. That’s one of his birthday gift. About the BIG gift we gift to him, we haven’t totally set it up yet…we are still working hard on it:)

Vintage Cardigan/Lingerie

Asos Pleat skirt/Leopard print Bag

Jeffrey Campbell Lita

27 thoughts on “Lingerie

  1. 太激动了,抢沙发呀,所以说都不会话了:)

  2. 睡裙都这么美。太佩服Hallie了,RB好可爱哦。说起手表,YY也经常拿他爸的手表来带,不过不是看时间,是拿来变身的,象动画片的人带着的变身器,他也拿来自己变身了,很搞笑的。至于问他几点,总是说5点,或者9点。也不知道为什么。。RB会看时间啦?聪明哦。。

  3. 大礼物是什么呀?先透露一点点呗~~~~~~~一丁丁点儿也行啊

  4. 哇!睡裙穿在里面很性感啊!大礼物是不是小房子什么的?

  5. As cool as I think Minnie shirts are really cool, I can’t help but admire this gorgeous lingerie! It’s so beautiful! And sexy, but in the best way possible, it’s not trashy. On the contrary, actually. You made it look so so so stylish and beautiful! 🙂 That’s because you’re amazing just the way you are 😀 😀 Plus, this maxi pleated skirt is dreamy, isn’t it? I’m sure that it would suit me like a dress and it would still need trimming haha! You’re so tall! I’m a dwarf! I think that my height is like Red Bear’s 🙂 Love the hat and the Litas too <3 Gorgeous pieces! I'm sure that your closet is a heaven on Earth! 😀
    And my Red Bear is so awesome! The watch is cool 🙂 Can't wait to see the BIG gift though 😀 I'm excited (yes, deep down I'm still five!)
    Bye bye! 😀

  6. 不错哦!有创意!

  7. 亲爱的,刚刚无意翻MSN网站,那个时尚YOKA网有你的一整版的介绍,还有RB的,天!原谅我的语无伦次了,太为你开心了,真骄傲!你真厉害!

  8. Between Alcôve and Boudoir aesthetics, this creative play with lingerie shall never cease to sound as a way to instil an (uber appealing) hint of sensuous exquisiteness on daily reality . . .
    ps: The Black § Red harmony lingerie tones / lipstick § hair truly achieves to make all the difference Here Dear !!!

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  9. 能走的啵, 有显示的, 就是不知道是太阳能的还是电池的, 不过昨天进水了, 不知道还走不? 哈哈…

  10. 啊? 什么时候的事情啊? 是不是当初选为YOKA时尚达人的时候, 那时候是有一整版专门介绍来的…呵呵, 也不知道JIE是怎么找出来的.

  11. 过奖啦, 呵呵….

  12. I can’t wait to see the Big gift set up too!!! indeed, we have been working on that every night from 5:00pm to dark! hopefully can finish it before the weekend:D

    I don’t think this skirt will suit you like a dress, it’s indeed just a mid length, plus, I think you are taller than me for sure:)

  13. 啊? 真的吗? 其实我的心里没什么谱的, 七上八下的, 也不知道是不是好看, 哈哈…

  14. 反正都等了这么久了, 再多等两天吧, 嘻嘻….
    一点点行情就是: 这是木头的制的, 得两个人一起修建, 至少18小时…

  15. 哈哈, 原来小朋友的爱好都是这么相似的.RB才不会看时间呢, 和YY一样, 问他几点了, 基本上就是三点…或者就是已经很晚了, 或者就是晚餐时间了:)

  16. Thanks beautiful:) it’s such a sweet invitation I got:)

    And if you ever come to LA, please give me a call, and I’d love love love to buy you a drink too!!! XOXO

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