
Don’t know why, every time I wear pink I want to add black for the rest, I guess it’s a habit.

Like I never add tag in my post before, and I recently start adding it, but it always turn out either I forgot it or have to add it later when I realize I have forgot. Is it call habit?

Do you have some habits in your style?

I feel so much headache whenever I see Red Bear playing in dirt, Bob comfort me and say: You want boy, that’s boy thing!???

Nanette Lepore Blouse

Thrfited Skirt

Forever21 Heels

Juice Couture Sunnies

Asos Clutch

D&G watch

Rings from Target

35 thoughts on “Habit

  1. Hallie never stop surprising me!While i’m thinking on you,i used ask myself,what kind of apparel Hallie will wear for today.Well,as i see ,you look pretty as well as usual!I like the difference tones between pink and black.You got a very nice blouse,and the heels .I like it.and of cause I like you cute boy RB.jeje

  2. Fashion habits- I always like to roll up the sleeves of dress shirts and blazers so they’re 3/4 length. I guess it’s to add a more relaxed/casual/cool look to it!

    And I love the vivid pink and the clutch- I really wanted to get it but I have too many clutches.. bad habit!!!


  3. 蕾丝真的很体现女性魅力!你这一身即感性又性感!恰到好处的美!

  4. 很好。桃红色好艳丽,黑色好性感。搭配起来很漂亮。今天Hallie特意把头发外一边放的吗?RB真的可爱了。我也是很怕YY玩泥土,但有时还真找点沙子什么的给他玩,赞同BOB的,男孩子嘛。也应该玩一下这个。而且可以提高抵抗力。父母总是说我们小时候什么都玩,这样才好,太干净的话人更容易生病,没抵抗力什么的,我还在想,夏天一定要带YY去沙滩玩水玩沙。。。

  5. 哇!我最喜欢的一条美裙终于出境了!蕾丝衬衣也很美啊!

  6. 呵呵, 千万可别说老, 咱们要一直年轻下去的啊:)
    那天我在头上发现根白头发, 跟RB说妈妈老了, RB一把抓过那白头发丢了去, 回头和我说, 他修好我了, 我NEW了, 哈哈!

  7. 对的啊, 呵呵, 有些时候故意把头发拔一边, 这样头顶上的头发显得丰满些.
    RB玩土我是不怎么反对, 但是你知道他喜欢吃手指, 我给他洗手的速度都快不过他吃手的速度,所以基本上就是觉得他在吃土, 都没眼看了, 呵呵...

  8. I know I know, roll up the sleeves of dress shirts and blazer can make your arms look longer:)
    And I agree you have have many clutch:) well, try to get something else?:) But…this habit not too bad:)

  9. Thanks Joanne, and you always give me the sweet and kind comment, which make my day/night every time I read it:) Thank you for being here and loving:)

  10. AUV, 第一张把我惊艳到了。桃红和黑色搭配出性感的你哦。我喜欢时不时地小女人一下。哈哈!

  11. 嗯 这套真的很赞呢!
    细致的蕾丝 加之呼应的细节 体现搭配功底的套系…

  12. 也对哦。RB吃手指的习惯还没改掉哦,正如YY也一定要吮奶嘴睡觉,到现在还没让他改掉,麻烦的问题。要是手指好脏的话,RB也照样吃手指?他应该知道这是不好的吧?脏的手指他应该不敢吃到吧?这些的习惯,不知道他们俩什么时候改得了?应该可以改吧。不改也得改,不好的习惯,妈妈要努力纠正。。一齐加油。

  13. 全身都很美,个人超级喜欢那个手袋,颜色好搭哦!甚至是口红和墨镜都是玫瑰色系的,美!

  14. Ahh I wish my habits were as stylish as yours lol! Well pink and black is a great combination. I like that black reduces pink’s girly-ness! You know, it makes it more gothic-rocker-dark chic. In two words, I LOVE! You look awesome with this lipstick and sunnies as well! And your hair is perfect, looks like silk. So beautiful 🙂

    Aww you know, boys do such things… I guess it’s a pain in the a** to get his clothes cleaned, but look at him! Isn’t he really cute playing there? <3 😀

  15. 这一身很好看呀.还是在LA好.穿衣很自由呀.想怎么穿就怎么穿.在中国要是穿那么性感别人看的眼都直了.

  16. 呵呵,真的吗?其实我以前在国内的时候也蛮敢穿的,才不要理会别人怎么看呢^^

  17. You know, the more he looks cute when he playing there, the more headache I got, because I really want to spank him for playing in the dirt but I just can’t:)

  18. 嘻嘻, 你不说我还真不知道啊,近来的你的风格大大转变,呵呵,...跟以前的娃娃已经大大不同啦:)

  19. RB吃手指那是有增无减...没办法了,不过医生也说了,现在也不要紧,到了五岁如果他还吃,就得纠正了:)

  20. 呵呵,其实我自己有点不太习惯呢,好象我现在比较喜欢那种长裙摆来摆去的,哈哈,这两天突然又觉得长裙穿得了,又想转型穿裤装了^^

  21. 是的。不过他就欺负我的,我陪他就要吃,奶奶他们就不敢要吃了,他也知道别人取笑他,有时还很自觉的不敢吃,但还没正式改掉习惯咯。

  22. 呵呵, 那还好呀, 起码还有不吃的时候和知道别人会取笑他, RB才不管呢, 说什么他都是依着他自己的喜好来的. 汗…

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