The Lucky Cookie

Do you like those lucky cookies in the Chinese restaurant? Oftenly they have very kind and sweet “luck” words written in the little paper inside the cookie to bring a smile on your face.  Last time we were in a Chinese Vegetarian Restaurant , I got 2 cookies ( 1 cookie for Red Bear)with the same content in each one, how many chance you see that?

What it said in those 2 lucky cookies? —-“Simplicity of style makes you desirable in the eyes of others” .

So I think from now on, I will try to do more simple style and see if my luck really in somewhere, hehehe….just for fun.

Somebody really not in a good mood today.

Have you ever hear that Cotton Candy can make you happy?

William Rast for Target blouse

Vintage Skirt

Charlie David Heels

Zara Nude Shopper

Chanel Sunglasses

Free People Belt

33 thoughts on “The Lucky Cookie

  1. hahaha,this is the first time I see RB so sad:D So cute!!
    —-”Simplicity of style makes you desirable in the eyes of others” …It maight be plausible. I like this oufits,simple but remarkable! the vintage skirt is really a good stuff!!!

  2. 我留意到你的鞋后面好像还有少少空间,这样也能带得起来可真好,我的脚很小,只能穿4码的鞋子,像这种不系带的鞋子必须刚刚好才行,稍大一点点就会脚鞋分离,带不起来,苦恼呢。

  3. 这身装扮很简单很舒服啊!亲爱的RB怎么了?不开心啊?

  4. RB怎么不开心哦?笑一个嘛,看来棉花糖功劳很大咯,RB应该开心了。今天六一儿童节,RB节日快乐,不知你妈妈和爸爸送你什么礼物?带你去哪玩了?我今天就没陪YY过。就是早上带着他看了医生还打了针,可怜哦。没得吃没得玩还要受点痛,不过今天还蛮乖的,看看今晚带他去外面走走。祝愿我们都拥有GOOD LUCY..Hallie的包包好大哦。会塞得满的吗?

  5. 也可怜的YY, 快点好起来吧!:)
    我的那个大包包要装满东西一定重得不得了的, 哈….
    RB的六一礼物就是那个家庭乐园喽, 再说了, 好象在美国这没有六一儿童节的…呵呵…

  6. 是啊,昨天他的脾气特别不好, 干什么都不乐意,,,,奇怪了…不过今天好了:)

  7. 象这种一般不太跟脚的鞋, 我会让鞋匠在前面贴块贴, 跟上再贴块贴, 如果还不跟, 就贴两块, 我的很多鞋子贴了贴后都特别跟脚了…呵呵…现在好象很多商店都有卖这种贴的, 自己贴贴也行…塑胶的那种…

  8. hahah,,,really? the first time seeing Red Bear so sad? Maybe I should start showing more of his Sad pictures, He is sometimes very pain in the axx….lol

  9. 翰翰和RB比起来,翰翰是个大肚王!我正在发愁,他现在只能穿松紧裤,很松的那种。。。是否有些超重了??

  10. YES! cotton candy makes one happy! it makes me very happy esp. if it’s a pink one!! hahaha. love your vintage skirt and nude shoes! u are still very stylish even when u dress simply 🙂

  11. 我有!!上次和男友回加拿大時吃飯就拿了幸運曲奇!! 後來還去超市買了兩包回澳門呢! 他很愛吃 🙂

  12. A Red Bear’s crying!! Seriously?? He’s usually playing around and laughing! Now he proves that in fact he is a normal child lol! Such a pity that his denim on denim look wasn’t enough to cheer him up, though hahaa! 😀
    And how awesome is that you found same words in the cookies?? (by the way, I would really love to eat fortune cookies some day! I don’t think that I could find here in Greece, but it’s fascinating that there’s something hidden in there! :D) “Simplicity of style makes you desirable in the eyes of others”- wise, no? Well, you always look gorgeous, either it is a more complicated or a more minimalistic outfit. The colors of this outfit, though, are so perfect! And the shoes make your legs look even longer! Also, I really want this bag! I’m on the search of a big bag like that. I don’t know. I didn’t use to wear big bags (or bags at all), but I think that my style has evolved lately. I’m not sure if it’s for the best though lol! Anyway, you are amazing, a true inspiration and one of my most favorite blogs 🙂

  13. Oh, yes, of course Red Bear is a normal child and insane sometimes, lol…
    So you are the only one point out Red Bear’s look was denim on denim,,,good sense of style! lol..
    What? you never eat fortune cookies there? do you have Chinese restaurant there? If none, please tell me,because I do think Chinese restaurant in everywhere !:D
    I hope you can find a good big bag soon! and I am sure your style is getting cuter and prettier!:D

  14. 啊?还有人专门买了幸运饼吃的呀?呵呵,可见喜爱程度不是般:D还别说,这幸运饼干里的内容还挺多的.能抽到走简约风的字条,那我们还真是有缘呢:D

  15. 天气再热些的话, 这种简单凉快的搭配就会越来越多了:D

  16. 哈哈, 应该没关系的吧, 小朋友的肚子都是涨鼓鼓的呀....医生检查了说没事就行:)

  17. 我有买那种贴,好像效果不甚理想,不知道是不是我贴的不得法,你用的是着哩的那种么,后面是贴在挨着脚后跟的地方么。这个专业到需要鞋匠来帮忙贴吗?

  18. 对的, 有一种是贴脚板处的, 有一种是贴脚后跟处的, 鞋匠贴的就是整个鞋底加一层的, 或者就是在后跟贴几层的, 根据脚面宽度来贴, 比在市面上买的要厚和结实很多.我是穿6码的脚, 但是有些时候买到的打折鞋是七码的, 都找鞋匠贴, 贴了后和穿6码没啥区别了, 还特别好走来着. JOJO可以试着拿一双去给鞋匠弄弄..^^

  19. Hahaha! Of course I noticed Red Bear’s outfit! He’s so stylish!
    And YES there’s not a Chinese restaurant here, but I’m sure that there is one in Patras (that’s the closest to my village big city). To be honest, though, I don’t think I would like to eat there. No offense, but when you’re used to well cooked foods, raw things don’t taste that good! hahaha! BUT, never say never 😛 It’s good to try new things! 😀

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