Walking In the Sunset

Really like to take picture with the beautiful sunset behind me.

Another simple look, do you like it?

Who blocked my camera!

Guess what’s on Red Bear’s hand? A empty sugar bag, of course he finished all the sugar inside!

I know, I should have really start putting nail polish on after finishing Red Bear’s Home park set up. 😀

Vintage Bally Bag

Vintage Booties

St. John’s Bay Sweater

Zara Skirt

Zara Sunglasses

Forever21 Ring

31 thoughts on “Walking In the Sunset

  1. I got the sofa?!!!!hahahaha:P This outfit makes you look like a teenager!!!! I like the combination,specially the loose fitting sweater!
    Love little RB!


  2. LOVELOVELOVELOVE!!!!! Holy cow, this outfit is awesome!!! I’m so bummed that the weather here is too hot to wear a sweater, otherwise I would copy this outfit tommorrow! It’s perfect! The way the chunky sweater looks with the skirt and the boots is WOW FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!!!! I also like the little details, like the socks, the ring, the lipstick! From your hairs to your toenails, you’re a godess!! Oh and I don’t mind the not painted nails. In fact, I like their natural look! Simplicity, remember? lol!
    And Red Bear really loves candies, no? He is so like me! 😀 😀
    Bye bye! 😀 :* :*

  3. 喜欢那裙子,夏天的碎花哦。。应该是连衣的吧?整个的色系好舒服,上衣白的,我一直都想穿白色的,但又怕太胖,好喜欢Hallie这一身搭配哦,简单又有味道,想问一下,上衣会有点热吗?你那边应该也夏天了。RB真的长肉了,之前病了瘦了我也心疼,现在看到他白白胖胖的,开心ING。

  4. 穿短裙好嫩啊!像青春美少女!最近在考虑要不要买个凉靴。

  5. lovely outfit. it’s very pleasing to the eyes 🙂

    RB is adorable!!! that photo of him holding up an empty sugar sachet reminded me of how i used to steal rock sugar from my mum’s sugar jar when i was little and suck them like candies! 😛

  6. LA的天气真的那么宜人?可以在这样的季节里穿这样的上衣和靴子,不热?

  7. 对的啊, 这两天都是大概25度左右的温度, 穿这样的, 上不热下不冷, 嘻嘻…

  8. hahah,,,I think I have the same problem , and my mom used had to hide every food from me:D

  9. 谢谢小欣妈咪:) 想问一下, 小欣是GIRL还是BOY? :D

  10. 看看说的凉靴是指哪种呀? 我是最近又买了双靴子, 换季打折, 呵呵...
    甲油也是一时兴起了啦, 你知道的, 家务活其实一干起来, 指甲油没两天就掉了.你要帮女儿戴眼镜的 话, 当然得小心, 呵呵...你那的医生管得也够宽的:D

  11. 这条裙子只是半身裙的啊. 其实SUE不怕穿白色的呀, 关键还是选对款式或剪裁.其实这毛衣是棉线织 的, 孔又大, 我只是单身穿, 风一穿, 还有点凉嗖嗖的, 哈哈,所以一点不热的啊..而且我们这里应该还是春天的季节呢.
    RB是长胖了呢, 现在抱他快抱不动了.

  12. Ok, so simplicity means not nail polish? hahah…just kidding, sometimes I have a question about what’s simplicity of the style mean, could be mean for something else. you know,but it’s just a lucky cookie, maybe next time I will get one and say: just wear whatever you like! 😀
    So Greece has a hot weather now? I always think you have cooler weather than me here…Seriously, I miss to look at your daily outfits photo Demy:D I can’t wait to see you post in Chictopia again:D
    Red Bear really loves candies….yes!!!:) but he likes you:D

  13. hahah,,,Joanne, last night , my hubby asked me what’s Sofa mean after he saw your comment, funny!:D

  14. 嗯,好多了,打了三天针吃了几天药,现在好多了,再吃点凉茶清一下热气。六一那天还是忍不住带他去了KFC,但好可怜,大家都在吃薯条,我还是很忍心得不让他吃一条,因为他是嘴巴里面烂了引起发烧的,所以一定不能让他吃上火的。答应他下次再带他去咯。

  15. 那就好那就好, 其实小孩子愈合能力也很快的. 多喝水, 希望很快就可以又吃上KFC哦.

  16. 我是和妳一樣愛打扮、愛漂亮的女生喔,也是2個小孩的媽咪。

  17. 凉靴就是高帮的凉鞋,可能我们叫法不同,因为不能买太高跟的鞋了,什么都不买真是不甘心,整好也没有凉靴这一类的,不过看来看去还没找到喜欢的。

  18. 我喜欢这个Vintage的Bally包!每次看到你们淘来的美美的宝贝, 我就蠢蠢欲动的, 但是去了几次都是机器失望而归了。 看来这功力要慢慢的练, 呵呵

  19. 我觉得你有了这么多新品宝贝, 就别和咱们抢VINTAGE了吧,嘻嘻.

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