The Memorial Day Parade

People come to see the Parade for different reason, some like the cars, some like the horses, everything. And it’s a beautiful day.

Some use it as an opportunity to help the boys understand what Memorial Day is all about. “They may not quite get it, but it’s a chance for them to understand what it means to live in a country that’s free and respect those who paid a price for that.”

“We’re out here to support our veterans, support all the guys who didn’t come back and support the guys that are there now,” said Vietnam veteran Cruz Trevino of Mission Hills. “A lot of support here, a lot of support by the people here, it’s beautiful.

I think she forgot where she parked her car:)

All gave some, Some gave all!

One word for the hair—Cool!

Nice dog! and the dog’s scarf!???

Don’t you wish to own a car like that?


Salute! But,Red Bear! Wrong hand!

Memorial Day is a national holiday ?The last Monday in May)to honor, recognize, and respect the people who died defending the country.  It is different than Veterans’ Day [November 11], which honors ALL military veterans, whether they died in service or not.  Memorial Day began in 1868 [then called Decoration Day], right after the Civil War, in which more than 600,000 service members died.

13 thoughts on “The Memorial Day Parade

  1. 好热闹的场面啊。RB一定很开心很兴奋吧。RB应该吃了很多东西吧?嘴巴没擦干净,嘻。我觉得传统的节日还是要延续下去的,也应该让下一辈知道。

  2. 我们也快到端午节啦。每年就是吃粽子,都很少有什么活动的,记得我们小时候是有划龙船的活动,但现在这个传统的节目只有部分地方举行了。我打算今年的端午节带YY去参加一下,让他多了解嘛。(借口,其实我自己也好久没看划龙船,所以我也想去,呵。。)

  3. 哈哈, RB不用吃很多东西,他的脸经常都这么脏的, 因为爱玩土, 我也懒得理了, 男孩子嘛, 呵呵.

  4. 是啊, 记得以前小时候还去看过龙舟, 后来大了, 赚人挤就不去凑热闹了.现在一些地方应该还有的, SUE想想办法带上自己和YY一起去看吧^^

  5. 要过端午节了哦,HALLIE给你家2个亲爱的男人做点素粽子吧。

  6. 好热闹啊!美国军人帅呆了!RB的小手手碰着了?

  7. Aha! So this is what a parade is! In Greece, there are parades for the national celebrations, but they’re not like this one. I looooove the pictures you took. They’re so colorful! It’s good to remember and above all respect our country’s history, because people fought so that we can now enjoy our liberty. And I find it amazing that you took Red Bear to see the parade. Children should learn from a young age their history.
    I’d really like to go to a parade like that some time! There are sooo many cool things! This guy’s hair, the LAPD cars, the two doggies in the car (hahhaa, indeed the one in the back of the car wears an awesome scarf :P), everything’s amazing! And omgosh, this little girl with the keys!! hhahaha! You crack me up! 😀

  8. 失望啊,原来现在只有一个地方举行龙舟的,刚好昨天举行了,我还没计划就结束了。看来要再等明年了。

  9. Demy, I have to say I really admire you for your every comments, you always notice the detail and mentioned them in your comment, all sweet and nice:)
    How do you do that:D

  10. RB的手是手贱, 那天他看着我们推的购物车车轮好玩, 就放手进去, 晕....
    不过有点好处就是, 扎了创可贴后他就不再吃手指了:)

  11. 粽子? 太复杂了吧, 哈哈, 而且我们家男人这段时间说是要keep fit, 不吃米饭面条类的东西了, 也不知道是不是真的.哈哈

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