Double Blouses

Blouse on blouse, hope you like it?

Have a great weekend, you all!

It’s true, there was no director there!!!


Jump Jump!!! But I really don’t want you to see my face!

Zara Denim Blouse

Vintage Floral Blouse

Zara Dress/Sunglasses

Patrizia Pancaldi Oxfords

Vintage Clutch

Bracelet and Ring from Target

16 thoughts on “Double Blouses

  1. 貌似简单又普通的单品,在Hallie的身体总能找到最佳的搭配和效果,赞!

  2. 又是一套青春洋溢的裝扮,很春天很少女~



  3. 😀 Good morning, Hallieee! You look amazing! Again! I so love the dress, this pale shade of pink is adorable 🙂 And what an awesome idea to wear these two shirts together!!! It’s simply PERFECT!! You never seaze to amaze me! You never lack of inspiration, do you??? I don’t remember an outfit that you have styled and that I haven’t liked! WOW!
    HAHAHHAHAH I lovelovelove Red Bear’s jumping pics! He is such a cuuutieee <3 Of course, he is stylish as well 🙂
    Kisses, Hallie!! I'm off to the beach 😀

  4. 哈。向左走向右走啦。原来与小朋友合映,这个情况经常会出现的,我也捕捉过呢,嘻。那碎花的上衣好漂亮。夏天搭配起来很耀眼哦。喜欢。每次看到RB都是兴高采烈的样子,真好。

  5. 周末参加了单位的户外拓展训练,好累啊!不过很有意思,最后一个逃生墙项目,55个人搭人梯爬上4.2米高的墙,成功时大家欢呼雀跃,那种感觉很棒!

  6. 哇, 55个的人人梯, 一定很壮观, 嘻嘻,,,看看是排在第几行啊, 不要是在下面的才行. 哈哈…

  7. 小孩子们经常都是开心的啦, 没有什么烦心事, 所以大家都说要保持一颗童心, 单纯幼稚没有杂念…

  8. 是55个人全部都要爬上去,四个壮男生在下面被我们踩,上面几个男生在拉,把我们一个一个拉上去,男人们辛苦了,如果真遇到什么灾难,他们是最伟大的人。

  9. 哈哈,好开心,真享受,你和RB还有幕后的你的老公啊,一家三口其乐融融!

  10. 那个时候男生就辛苦了, 女人生儿育女的时候也辛苦,,,上帝造人还是公平的, 哈哈…

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