A Jewelry Launch Event

I was invited to attend a cocktail party for a Jewelry Launch Event hold by Ulinx last night in Beverly Hills.

To my surprise, the Ulinx Jewelry is not like other Jewelry you see in the market, it’s magnetic?and you can always create what you like in every moment if you want to match what you wear and what do you feel. It’s fun and stylish, I would say.

Since it’s a cocktail party, I chose a dress and high heels to wear, adding a denim shirt to add a hint of casual, trying not to look too formal.

Vintage dress, Zara Denim shirt, Charlie David Heels, Marc by Marc Jacobs Clutch, D&G watch.

My turn to create my own design. Red Bear was helping me:) we were having fun!

Pick more and add more whatever you like.

My 3 minutes design, do you like it? It surprise me that it stick on my skin so well. (don’t laugh at my rings-set, I was trying to create a ring in another hand.:)

They have a fun team!

If you want to know more about the jewelry, Check on UlinxJewelry website.

12 thoughts on “A Jewelry Launch Event

  1. Magnetic jewelry??????? WOW!! SO cool! I have never heard of it, it’s amazing and WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW the bracelet you made is so cute and beautiful! I luuuuuuurrrrvveeeee it <3 <3 The colors look really good together 🙂 Anyway all these pics are amazing and this party seems to be so fun! 🙂

    And about the outfit, I was right, it IS awesome! I love love love that you wore the denim shirt over this beautiful dress! It looks amazing, I don't think I'd ever tried it, but now I sure will (after the exams :() And your hair and lipstick are so pretty! You're beautiful!

    Oh and I've been meaning to tell you. There's a chance that I'll disappear for the next three or four weeks, because the exam period is starting this Friday and I'm not sure I'll have the time to switch on my laptop. But I promise I'll try to comment on weekends 🙂

    Kisses! And many many hugs to my Red Bear 😀

  2. Oh, my lovely Demy, your comment always make me happy!
    I will be miss you so much during your exam time, and Red Bear too! But I know we will have more fun after your exam, right?:))

    We will go to Yosemite tomorrow, have to go there before the school exam…:D

  3. 这个创意真好 可以使每个人都能戴上独一无二的首饰呢 RB好萌啊这次~~

  4. 很特别,很时尚。看Hallie搭配出来的效果很好。Hallie还有其他新的DIY吗?

  5. 蛮好玩的!只是首饰的磁性对手表、手机什么的会不会有影响?

  6. 哈哈, 准确的说, 他的吃相比较可爱^^(当妈的是这么觉得的)

  7. 据她们介绍说是不会, 下次我打算戴手臂上方, 这样既不碰手表, 也不碰手机^^

  8. 嗯, 创意是不错的. 每个人每天都可以根据心情和当天的服饰来决定首饰的样式.

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