A Little Bit Goes A Long Way

Wore my new DIY tie-dye shirt today for a walk, and I really like its uniqueness and enjoyed a little bit of a sense of achievement.  Couldn’t help when I got back home but do another DIY project in the afternoon; this time it was a tie-dye pair of denim shorts. When Bob saw the shorts after he got home, he was shaking his head and said, “Sometimes less is more!”  lol….What’s he mean by that?!  For me, sometimes too much is not enough!

Leather Jacket: Esprit(old, similar here), Tie-dye Shirt: DIY Thrifted Acne(similar here)

Sequined Shorts: DVF,  Shoes:Sigerson Morrison(old, really love this new style)

Bag: Staccato, Ring: YSL

Bracelet and necklace: from Target

Eyewear: Forever21

20 thoughts on “A Little Bit Goes A Long Way

  1. Haha Bob is just like my husband 🙂 What do they know, right?! I can tell you that you rock…I really love how this shirt came out and you should definitely do another diy project.

  2. 親愛的,襯衣真的很好看呢!那天看妳染好的成品後,和老公也說了想染許久沒穿的舊牛仔褲。結果老公一聽要用漂白水染褲子,是怎麼樣都不讓我染。說什麼漂白水很傷皮膚等等的。所以暫時作罷!但我沒放棄,哪天心血來潮再給它偷偷染吧!


  3. hahahha, men’s logic 😛 First of all, I have to say that I love Red Bear’s t-shirt! I mean, I can’t really see it, but apparently it has Donald Duck on it, which can never be bad 😛 Then onto the look! There’s so much going on, it’s one of the most interesting outfits of you I think, although each and every single one of them is really special and deserves to be in a magazine. But this one..oh, this one <3 Everything's perfect! And it's even more special, because you've made the shirt and it's totally you, you know? Then it's the shoes, so gorgeous, and also the shorts that I thought was a skirt in the beginning haha 😛 And oh my God, all these gold accessories, you're looking so radiant! Like a Greek goddess! :*

  4. Such a great outfit! I agree, too much is never enough; you would look fabulous wearing head-to-toe tie dye!

  5. Great outfit… Love how u styled those perfect DIY shirt… I agree… Too much is never enough ~~ for us girls this indeed is true and already a fact.. Lolz!!

  6. Men’s fashion comments are always hilarious! I can certainly see maximalism but executed in the most creative and elegant manner.

  7. 这套搭配好看。喜欢衬衣的漂染,还有外套。短裤应该是雪纺吧。

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