Pretty quiet night tonight, I wonder what are you doing right now? Found out some pictures we took before and didn’t post, I hope you like it?
Some of my reader friends wrote to me and talked to me about their personal life and asked me for advice, thank you for trusting me so much to share your private issues with me. I really care about you and love you, wish everybody a happy life! Sincerely yours?
Jeffrey Campbell Wedges
这组照片也很好啊, 为啥以前没贴呢? 很干练很舒服的感觉哦
果然有當麻豆的料,太棒了> , <
great look! *_*
i like this look! young, trendy and chic!
WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!! Sexy, gorgeous lady! You look stunning (I say this all the time lol!)! I always stay openmouthed when I see your pics, you look like a movie diva!! This neutral combo is SO adorable and the socks, omgosh, LOVE!! Believe me when I say that you’re the best blogger ever! I love everything about you and your style! Every.Thing!
Aaah, summer lessons..)
Take care!!
(Keeping it short, because I have to study
Kisses to Red Bear!
Summer lessons? couldn’t you find some fun during the class? heheeh,,,,,Anyway, you can still go the beach after the class, right? Again, I really enjoy the Greece ocean view, you are so lucky to live there!:D
Jessica Alba是我的偶像来的,,呵呵...能有那么点她的感觉我很开心哦:)
呵呵, 拍照多了,自然了就好,再说了,现在都是数据存取的,拍一大堆 选出几张来的,还是比较容易的啦:)
因为我不是很喜欢那背景, 有点单调, 呵呵....你们喜欢我很开心呀:)
Love. Lengthy leg.
嗯,我自己也没想到呢:) 效果还不错 ^^
People open up to you because you are so easygoing and warm! I was going to comment on how I love your yellow bag when I realized it’s the same one we both have. I like how you styled it with the warm nut tones. Will try something similar some time!
Oooh the yellow purse is fab
Live Life in Style
Thanks Shasie:)