Firstly, this is NOT a sponsored post or ad.
Secondly, I am not here to show how pretty my fingernails are.
All I am here to do is share a collagen supplement that I have been taking lately that really helped my nails become strong again! It might help for my skin, bone and hair, too, but the nails are what I am feeling strongly and very obviously!
As I noticed before, with aging and many different housework, gardening, my nails became very weak and would just break off on their own on the tips, and were hard to grow long and strong again. I have taken different collagen supplements before, with so-so results (if any), but I ran out of my other collagens a couple months ago, and my husband suggested I take the collagen supplement he has been using — the skin on his hands was very cracked and painful during those dry and cold days, but this particular collagen supplement helped heal his hands remarkably.
I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I tried them, and I was really surprised by the results! At least my nails are growing longer and noticeably stronger again within a few weeks! And it looks like nothing can break them except nail clippers. Yes, I recently just cleaned some shrimp before cooking, using my bare hands, and the nails didn’t get damaged at all.
If you are looking or thinking about change your collagen supplement, give this one a try. It really works for my husband and me; I bought them in Amazon here.