American Legend

These days, have been watching the same DVD with Red Bear–“American Legend”, I finally know some American legends and heroes, like Casey Jones, John Henry, Paul Bunyan, and Johnny Appleseed….which I never learned before. It’s good to learn and growing up with Red Bear in the way.

About today’s outfits, I so love this American flag scarf. American flag pattern is seen everywhere in fashion right now, Tee shirt, shoes, denim shorts..I chose an American flag pattern scarf, not only I can wear it in every year’s 4th of July, but in any season and occasion.

After dinner the other evening, we decided to take a short hike and watch the sunset.  We made these shots on that hike, on the “backside” of the Malibu Hills, not too far from famous Malibu Beach. Beautiful views!

ASOS American flag scarf

Zara denim shirt and jeans

Botkier Bag

Joie Boots

Vintage Hat

Ray Ban Sunglasses

32 thoughts on “American Legend

  1. 美國國旗圍巾好可愛喔!

  2. Love it!You re right, the American flag is present everywhere right now, but I never seen a scarf before.I love it!Gorgeous pictures!

  3. in love with the outfit!!!!!!! ur such a fashion genious!!! how do u think up on these outfits???? :)))

  4. Hi Hal!!!! You do know that I have a thing for America haha! I loooove this scarf! I love it more than I can describe! I thnk it’s a far more beautiful approach to the American flag trend than shorts, bags and stuff. For one, it’s more subtle. And it makes any outfit really interesting! I also adore your bag (what can I say? Big bags have stolen my heart!) and your hat! You’re a cowboy! 🙂 These pictures are sooo pretty!! They remind me of these old western movies in the Far West! Red Bear looks really cute as well like ever! And I see that he busies himself with the stones lol!!
    Bye bye! 🙂

  5. hahah,,,sorry, I forgot, what’s your thing for America again? hahaha,,,
    Yes, indeed, Red Bear was busy at putting stones in whatever hole he saw there. I guess that’s some animal’s house, and we had to bring stone out again after all, lol…
    Sweet dream my dear Demy!

  6. Thank you for the heart! 🙂 you are right, stories and films always make some good inspiration!

  7. 真的很佩服Hallie,什么风格都能传出自己味道来!Here i start like RB,:P learning and growing up like a little girl.Living in another country is like living the second life for me, everything start at 0,but it’s full of fun,:D one of the person around us cound be our teacher:P!

  8. 今天的搭配和背景很配呢。牛仔装加荒草地。粗犷又不失野性的。呵呵。RB还是能和妈妈配上了。能和小朋友一齐看电影,这又是个不错的节目,同时又能增进亲子关系了。下次我也要试试。

  9. 是啊,跟他们一起看电影还要很有耐心,不过我发现我从中也能学到知识,而且还学习英语,否则现在RB有时候说的单词我都不明白的,晕...

  10. you got that right, one of the person around us could be our teacher, but hey, we can be their teacher too:) in some other ways:)
    Have a happy weekend, my dear!

  11. 对对。我发现很多人都听不懂YY说话的意思,但我一听就懂了,就是我知道他看过什么电视,见到什么东西,所以他说出来后我能很快反应了,要是我没跟他同步,没跟他一齐去做这些的话,我也不懂他说的什么。所以一定要融入他们的世界,才懂得他们的心思。不过,现在YY上学,很多事情我还是没法知道他,问他还不能说出来,也经常听不懂,有时他还会发脾气,只能耐心问问他,再了解他咯。呵呵。做妈妈的真的付出不少哦。

  12. 我的RB的沟通还行, 他说的,我基本上全明白, 我说的,他也全懂, 不懂的时候我觉得他是装不懂, 哈哈….

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