Are You A Fashion Blogger Too?

After trying a new restaurant(Good Earth) for breakfast, Red Bear went to a toy store near by with his Dad, and I went to a American Apparel store to check it out, believe or not, this was really my first time shopping in American Apparel.

One lady working in the store looked at me from up to bottom, and she said: “I like your style! I like every pieces you wear today!” I was smiling and said: “I am a fashion blogger so I dress up a little bit everyday for taking pictures”. She said: “I am fashion blogger too!”

…hahah…of course we exchanged our blog name …and brah brah brah…

So here is the restaurant we tried today, look at the name and you know it suppose to be a healthy food restaurant.

The food looks healthy to me, but taste just …..emmmm….errrrrrrr….hmmmmm….so so …

Somebody looks blue today!

Maybe not

Day of flower 🙂

Such a busy street, hard to find a parking place, and hard to take a pictures without car behind me!

How is your weekend? I hope it’s full of fun and sunshine too!

H&M palka/Cuff

Topshop Floral mini Dress

Asos Pleat Skirt/ Belt

Warehouse Bag

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Boots

Zara Sunglasses

25 thoughts on “Are You A Fashion Blogger Too?

  1. 哈…又是一个周末早餐啦.Hallie有没有每星期都盼着周末呢?我就有啦。想每天放假陪着YY。但今天星期日我就上班了。呜呜。假都休完了。昨天是有陪着YY和朋友家小孩一齐去拍了樱花,她们也喜欢那樱花景,所以再一次去拍了,然后一齐去上了早教课,那课堂上YY的表现,真让我又火又急。唉。担心YY太过好动了,跟别的小孩安静程度差远了。不过还是上了一课,希望YY也学到东西吧。RB是动静两宜吧。这样就很好呢。可爱的小盆友嘛。呵。。Hallie这一套我也好喜欢,每一样哦。就是很时尚,很能干。Hallie本来就能干嘛。鼓掌。

  2. 哈哈哈,遇到知音了啊。今天的打扮俺也喜欢,刚柔并济的感觉

  3. Awww Red Bear is never blue! 😀 He is such a cutie, I love him, I really do! And I see that you put his flower in an awesome place 😀

    That was so awesome to meet another blogger, I guess it’s a nice feeling 🙂 Well, no wonder she liked everything you wear! Who doesn’t? You always look radiant, whole meaning of the world! And the way you combine pieces is unique! This outfit is super super super stunning! The skirt with the Litas, and the gorgeous army green jacket, the belt, the sunnies, the bag, everything! Everything is simply stunning! You are a moving inspiration! 🙂 You are pretty, like…VERY pretty! 😀

    And the restaurant seems to be so nice, but the food seems..not delicious! 😛 The last food pic though is mouthwatering 😀

    Have an awesome Sunday, beautiful lady! 😀

  4. Hi,Hallie,you are so so so IN today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As the lady said to you,I love every piecess you wear today,detail is quality!!The style is closer european style,I think.Cause I saw girls here go out with some kind of color similar.well,here have a bit of everything.For me,the Jeffrey Campbell Lita Boots is truely hot.You rein it very well.
    Today we have a big sunny day in Spain,we have been the Mercadillo(markets of the weekend),we have enjoyed a wonderful day.I saw that you passed an awesome day too.
    Especially thank your hubby whose took all these wonderful pictrues!!! and RB just like a radiant sunflower! and the last,the most important protagonist Hallie!

  5. 遇到同道中人!!! 真好
    當我要來LA的時候也要去遇見你 🙂 哈哈
    一開始看照片就看到小花插在包包上, 心想一定是今天小RB送的囉~~

  6. 按照惯例,每天睡前来看下~尽管没有经常留言,但可是默默地支持着hallie哦~

  7. 呵呵, 好的啊, 有机会来LA, 大家也来次小聚会!!!
    一般我只会用假花来做装饰, 真花的话就是RB送的了,嘻嘻…

  8. wow wow wow,,,you never talk that much if you write the comment in Chinese, hahah….Is English has more things to say? I really like European chic style…and I am glad you said that. the Lita is really good design I think, has height, has comfy, has style.. no wonder so many people like it.
    That markets of the weekend you mentioned, is that like a farmers market? I really like to shop in those market too…and talk to different you said—Awesome!
    Thank you for all the nice comments to my family. and we give you our best wishes!

  9. Thanks Demy!!! every time your comment makes me so happy! all I can say is Thank you Thank you and Love you love you!!!! 🙂
    I know being your friends must be one of the luckiest thing in the world:)

  10. 哈哈, 不知怎的, 一看到刚柔并济这词, 我就想起了练武之人…

  11. 哇 YY已经得去上课了呀? 这种经历一定很好玩吧, 我都没得见RB上课是啥样呢, 呵呵….
    YY一定是学到了不少东西吧? 还交了一些朋友们….你们的周末过得也很有意思呀!! 🙂

  12. 还好吧,就是天气不配合,周日一天都在刮很大的风,漫天黄土,我们很无奈的在家呆了一天。

  13. 我也好喜欢Hallie的这身打扮呢!刚柔并济这词用的真的是非常的合适呢!!!昨天我还发了篇博文说Lita这鞋出了双胞胎姐妹了呢, 嘻嘻。 你会不会也去弄双来?我还记得我们一开始讨论Lita这鞋的时候, 咱俩还都说觉得有点怪呢,记得当时动员你买的时候你还说不想买来着, 呵呵。我觉得这鞋真的是挺耐看的,还有这鞋是不是特别舒服呢?我买的那双和这款类似的木根的那双JC可是磨脚, 一点都不舒服。

  14. 哈哈,对啊,当时觉悟不高,现在好了,买了两双,还不赚多,我的不磨脚啊,,,嘻嘻...

  15. 是的。很美好的一天。我在我的空间上也放了照片,有空去看看。不知道Hallie上到没有。。

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