Big Bows

Most of girls I know love Bows, and me too. It’s good to see this sweet detail on clothes, shoes, headband, clutch, maybe I should say the bows have found its way onto almost everything. Anything has a bow on takes an ordinary piece of fashion, and elevates it to a place between cute and formal. The interesting thing is when you look back into the history of the look, the bow originated with men’s fashion and the bowties that accompanied men’s suits. Thus the bow can be either feminine and dainty, or masculine and strong, depending on how you wear the rest of your outfit.

My look today inspired by the look at the Proenza Schouler 2008 fall runway. As you seen, the big bow I have was tie by a scarf.

P.S. do you like my shoe wear necklace? 🙂

14 thoughts on “Big Bows

  1. 不说还真没看出来小靴子是戴了项链的~~~今天照片的效果很特殊哦,叫什么呀,给我扫盲下~~~~亲耐滴,游泳池已经上水啦!!

  2. 嘻嘻, Photoshop里的一项功能, 这段时间在自学PS, 各种功能都拿来玩一下喽…
    游泳池的水一直没干过呀, 呵呵, 一年到头就那一池水啦, 水费太贵了, 呵呵, 不过每周三都会有工人来清理和维护^^

  3. 汗!一直都有水?还是我以前看照片太不认真了~~~~回头我也学习一下PHOTOSHOP,要不老是露怯,嘻嘻

  4. PHOTOSHOP后的相片让我看不清楚小外套的材质了,2011的春天碎花长裙是大热吗?

  5. 刚才的留言出了问题。现在要重新写了。长裙好漂亮,如果加个细皮带不知会如何,我知道你有的。

  6. 其实碎花一直没OUT过的呀, 呵呵, 不同的图案和不同的花色, 年年拿出来, 只要配不同的配饰, 都会有不同的效果…
    小外套以前晒过啦, 很薄的那种, 我也不知道怎么说, 呵呵…

  7. 呵呵, 是一直都有水的哇,,,可能是以前的水不够兰, 看不清楚 :))
    PS 很有学问呢, 很多东西可以学呢…

  8. 照片真漂亮!有时候好奇怪,为啥你穿什么都好看呢?可以很大女人的硬朗又可以很小女人的妩媚,非常漂亮!

  9. 谢谢亲爱的, 你说的蒙版在PS里的英文是什么呀? 看来你是专家, 嘻嘻, 哪天传授些独门绝技? ^^

  10. 这个大蝴蝶结我以后还要用, 不过可能就象模特穿的那种, 白衬衣加黑宽脚 裤再加大蝴蝶结

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