Big Relief

In fact, I had a very big issue which have been bother me for couple months, I had a blood test couple months ago, and the result shown something unuasul, and it could be relate with cancer problem. Today we went to see doctor, and after some kind of machine checked, I am Fine!!!

Well, that is the best New Year Gift I ever received! to know yourself healthy, anything else you can required better than that?

Everytime I call my father in China, he always say, everybody in the family being healthy, that’s the most valuable and best gift to each others. It is!

I wish all of you keep health all the way!


(A&F Sweater, Alive and Olivia Dress, Zara Lace top, H&M tights, Joie Boots, Botkier Bag, Esprit Belt)

16 thoughts on “Big Relief

  1. i am sure it was quite a scary thing for you then . Thank God, you are ok now. Happy new year to you and your family.

  2. 这样的小玩笑才让你更珍惜生活!替你高兴,健康是最重要的!要是我就会趁着这次又腐败一下..

  3. 看来美国的医生很认真负责,有任何小异常都会帮你搞清楚,好人一定有好报,hallie看起来就是健健康康、活力四射!

  4. 嗯, 中国的一些医院确实是让人感觉很不负责任, 我母亲当年1月份的时候发烧不退住院, 都没检查出什么, 5月就查出癌症, 8月就去世了, 你说1月份的时候医院都怎么检查的? 当时我还很生气的说要告那医院, 可是人死已不能复生….
    伤心的事就别提了, 以后大家在健康方面都多长些心眼就好了. 昨天还听新闻说, 现在只需要一滴血就可以检测是不是有癌细胞了, 希望这种发明尽早普及吧.
    靴子和腰带都是以前的了, 如果你还记得我在YOKA搭配日记里的一些贴子, 就对这些东西有点印象, 呵呵, 现在是经常在衣柜里淘宝.

  5. 嗯嗯, 健康真的是很重要呢, 其实我还是有点担心的, 毕竟我母亲和外婆都是在50多岁的时候就早逝的, 所以有些时候想想还是有点怕….
    至于借此腐败嘛,,,哈哈,,,这个理由不错, 只是我的小腐败行动一直没停过呀. ^^

  6. 谢谢HALLIE还记得啊, 我是感冒好了又重感几次了, 没办法谁叫我们这里天气变化太大呢? 这两天冷S.

  7. 哇, 感冒刚好又重感几次? 挺严重的说, 说不定是让你把2010年感冒全部来遍, 这样2011年就更健康:)

  8. What a release! 健康是1,后面跟着的0是所有其他东西,没有健康,后面的所有东西都没有了。

  9. 嗯嗯, Rachel 关于健康的说法真的是很贴切呢.
    告诉你老公听, 冬天不穿毛裤还穿啥? 哈哈.

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