Go for all-black and white, is one of the easy summer style ideas. This graphic color combo instantly adds chic to basic clothes, agree? When I wear something colorless or simple, I like to finished with a refined bag and edgy heels (and/or a hat) for a hot look!
P.S. This coming weekend is a birthday weekend, Red Bear and his Grandpa will celebrate their birthday together. Tonight we are going to buy a HUGE birthday gift for Red Bear, I think that will be a HUGH fun for Red Bear, he will like it!:) Don’t ask , I can’t tell you what’s the gift for now.
Express White Blazer(old)
H&M shorts(Old)
Lids Hat (old)
Chanel Bag/sunglasses
Theysken’s Theory Wedges
Belt and Silk Tank from Target
Red Bear is so happy!!!! he has a chic mummy!!!! I’m waiting to see what will be the HUGE gift for RB,LOL!
haha,,,all I can say is be patient!:D that’s what I tell Red Bear too, but he got to pick up his birthday cake’s pattern. ^^
oh my..super super love for the shoes!!!
and give red bear a huge kiss from my side..:)
have much fun!!
今天是520。向Hallie&RB说上一句I LOVE YOU ALL。。哈。。还没跟LG说呢。怎么这两天看到的图片有点变形了,是我电脑的问题。因为又中毒过,重装系统后出现这样吗?不明白。怎么办哦?
Your boy is so adorable- I love how he’s running around in all your style shots!
I totally agree that black and white outfit for summer is refreshing- particularly after being oversaturated!
Wow,Happy birthday to RB…Looking forward to see the gift
so chic! loved it! b&w one of my all time faves! The way u combine them really cool.
我比RB更焦急想知道是什麼大禮物啦!!! happy birthday lovely boy!! kissessssssssssssss
你的鞋子好看, 很有high fashion的味道
RB的生日礼物是需要两个大人一起混装的, 说是可能要花个两天的时间, 我估计这个周末都会和我老公耗在这玩意上了, 不过到时候一定会让大家瞧瞧的:)
Thanks Dear:)
不是的呀, 最近都没怎么逛街买东西了啦, 这帽子和外套至少已经买有两年了, 以前经常穿的, 你没留意?:)
晕, 我又外行了, 什么是珠地的呀, ??
哈哈, 我怎么只知道分羊皮和牛皮, 牛皮的不是都这个LOOK的呢? 汗….我又要好好学习了…
谢谢 doris:)
heheh,,,I wish we can set it up before his b-day, there will be a lot of works!!!! ^^
Thanks Sam!
哈哈, 是有那么点高高高高, 反正RB吵着要抱抱的时候, 我都会说, 妈妈穿着高跟鞋, 不敢抱你, 他就瞅瞅我的高跟鞋, 一言不发的表示理解了. 哈哈…
这礼物比真飞机小, 比玩具飞机又大很多, 哈哈….
亲爱的, 听你说的, 好可怜的,,,不知道今天好了点没?
昨天的药加自来水喝了没拉肚子吧,,,,…但愿一切都好, 早日康复!
谢谢SUE的祝福 哦, 今天才是我们的520, 我这里也跟你说I love you all!:)
图片变形的问题是不是因为浏览器? 亲爱的是用的什么浏览器上网看网页的?
Sure will give Red Bear a huge kiss from you, but how can Red Bear return his kisses to you?
Hey hallie just came across your blog from Sam’s website!
love your style and love these shoes! Red Bear is absolutely adorable
Love this look Hallie! Very classy!
Live Life in Style
Hiii Hallie! I’m sorry I’m late on commenting, but things are kinda hectic right now. I promise I’ll comment eventually!

Anyway, it’s Red Bear’s birthday??? WOOOOOOOOW!!! Omgosh! Happy Birthday to my little frog! I so would like to buy him something <3 Please take pics of the present and of him
And AAA the outfit! You know how much I love black and white combination! You look gorgeous! Such a great combo, perfect perfect!
I'd really really like to ramble, but I have to get going, so.. kisses kisses to both of you
wow those theory shoes are gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgeous!!!!!!!!!! and your kid is sooo cute
最近搬家忙的要命, 好久没怎么上网了, 一有空上网就要来报道了, 呵呵。 好喜欢这双鞋子呢!好有型!不过跟也不是一般的高呀!
还好啦, 和JC的LITA比, 这双还稍稍矮了点, 嘻嘻.
Thanks Denise:) you are so sweet!
My dear sweet Demy, please don’t say sorry for any late comments. I only wish your every time visiting here is fun. and I bring a big smile on your face:)
That will make me really happy!:D
Thanks Shasie:)
希望SUE早日康复哦! 我们都很关心你的啊…
哦, 现在知道了, 哈哈,,,,
Thanks Tania, I love your style too! very beautiful! hope we can keep up with each other more:D