Black & White: Knit Dress & Two Tone Loafers

Black & White, Knit Dress & Two Tone Loafer, via: HallieDaily

Happy Sunday, my dear Friend, I hope you are enjoying your weekend as we do.

A quick post showing you what I wore to Church this morning. Black and White knit dress by Theory(also available here), Black and White two tone loafers by Matt BernsonChanel Bag.

Black & White, Knit Dress & Two Tone Loafer, via: HallieDaily

Black & White, Knit Dress & Two Tone Loafer, via: HallieDaily

Black & White, Knit Dress & Two Tone Loafer, via: HallieDaily

Black & White, Knit Dress & Two Tone Loafer, via: HallieDaily

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