Since I have talked about the outfit in the post’s title, I want to talk about the hair in the content here. I have been wearing this high-bun style very often these days, the main reason is my hair root color show out so obviously right now, and I been fighting for 2 questions these days:
1. Should I cut my hair a lot shorter (maybe to my chest or shoulder)?
2. Should I try to dye my hair at home? (The last time (few months ago) was my first time to dye my hair and it was done in the hair salon. Red Bear’s grandpa told me that most American women dye their hair at home, and my hairstylist doesn’t suggest me to do that. I seriously want to give DIY a try.)
Would like to listen to what you think!
Nordstrom Leather Jacket(old),
Baum Und Pferdgarten Shirt(sold out, like this one and this one as well),
H&M Faux Fur Collar, Chanel Bag
Charles David Pumps(old)
Karen Walker No.1 Sunglasses( here)
If you dye it at home, your stylist won’t get paid for it
Lol but no seriously, that might be one reason why she doesn’t recommend it- another would be that she might be worried you won’t dye it properly (if you make a mistake, make sure you DON’T try to overdye it a second time, because then your hair will be too dye saturated to recover).
Maybe you could ask a friend who dyes her hair at home to show you how it’s done?
Love this outfit. The skirt is gorgeous
I love this outfit and as far as your hair I would not suggest doing it at home and the cut would look good either way because your hair is so beautiful! long as you don’t cut it too short!
Sheree xxx
Cut it, for a sort of mini makeover. The good thing about cutting hair is it GROWS back. So cut it and dye it, best of both worlds, that would be pretty awesome!
Love the outfit, you look fabulous!
My mom dyes her hair all the time at home and has no problems. Your stylist doesn’t want to lose your business! You should check out youtube for some videos ; )
Cute outfit. Love the fur collar. I personally am too afraid to dye my hair at home. I’ve done highlights at home but never been as satisfied as when I’ve got my hair done at a salon.
xo Ashley
The price is magnificent
Kisses ~.~
Flavia Alessandri
I love the fur collar and your sock bun! You look so cute!
Rachel Ashley
Very pretty!!
-xoxo- lorena
When i cover the roots — I DIY but when im getting a full coverage or highlight i do it at the salon..
You look great.. Love this look..
Anyways, i want to invite you and your readers for my blog giveaway via link:
Hope you can check it out…
Thanks and Merry Christmas in advance.
But lately i do the colouring at the salon cuz my hair is thick and longer now and hubby dont help me with the back side.. Hehe… Or sometimes i colour it myself and after 5 washing its back to same.. Haha… Hubby says go get help better and more longer… GUess sometimes hes right, and if he will pay sure… Y not!!
You look sooo stylish and beautiful. I love your hair the way it is and wouldn´t cut it a lot shorter!!! It´s not easy to dye your hair at home esp. long hair. If you try it anyway (I always do it myself) don´t go for a drastic color change
Very pretty!Love the skirt!
Dear Hallie,
好久没看你上msn了,我非常喜欢你的生活态度,你热爱生活,崇尚美,并且是个好母亲。看到你的博客就像进入时尚网站一样,随时可以看到美国上层社会现状,真的很是羡慕嫉妒啊!我想你是千万个漂泊在国外的幸福华人之一吧,真希望自己也能有朝一日活出女人本该有的精彩生活,活出自己希望的精彩。也祝你和家人Happy new year and well healthy!