Blue Night

Caught these pictures last night after we shopped in a big electronics store named Fry’s, suddenly feeling so bright with the blue night.

7 thoughts on “Blue Night

  1. 大城市的夜空,可能我更喜欢乡村的星空,凉风吹过,看着夜空还可以数星星,童年的回忆,现在更想YY可以感受到。因为现在星星不多了,高楼也把它们挡住了,不过Hallie家那应该还有吧。

  2. 这样的夜空真美,在中国我去过的地方都没有这样的夜空。。。

  3. WOOOOWWWW!!!! These pics are awesome! The sky looks beautiful with the tall buildings! In my village there are no tall buildings, so it’s always nice for me to see places like that! 😀

  4. 美国的夜晚,天空是这个颜色?很漂亮啊.

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